Windows Standalone Applications

Windows Platform Information for Standalone Applications

When you create a standalone application on Windows, you’re actually creating a folder containing the Max Runtime executable plus a .mxf collective file containing your patches and files. In addition, the standalone folder contains a support folder with files necessary to run your application.

The following list shows the arrangement of files and folders.

YourApplication [ folder ]

YourApplication.exe [modified MaxRT.exe – launch this to launch your app ]

YourApplication.mxf [ collective containing your patches ]

support [ folder]

ad [ folder containing MSP audio driver objects ]

mididrivers [ folder containing Max midi driver objects ]

MaxAPI.dll [ Max API for external objects ]

MaxAudio.dll [ MSP library ]

interfaces [ folder containing menu specifications, icons, etc. ]

Runtime Library Dependency

Max depends on the Microsoft C Runtime Library. To use a standalone on a computer that has not run the Max installer you must first run the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package . This can be downloaded from Microsoft. An alternative is to simply download and install Max. The Microsoft redistributable files can be found at this URL:

Including Jitter components in your Windows standalone application

  • Copy the file /Program Files/Cycling '74/Max 6.0/support/jitlib.dll to {standalone folder}/support/jitlib.dll

Including Jitter shader components in your Windows standalone application

  • Copy the file /Program Files/Common Files/Max 6.0/Cycling '74/jitter-shaders to {standalone folder}/support/jitter-shaders . Be sure to include any shader files that the included shaders depend on; many of the included image-processing shaders rely on one of the "passthru" vertex shader programs that reside in the /Program Files/Common Files/Max 6.0/Cycling '74/jitter-shaders/shared/ folder.
  • Copy the file /Program Files/Cycling '74/Max 6.0/support/cg.dll to {standalone folder}/support/cg.dll
  • Copy the file /Program Files/Cycling '74/Max 6.0/support/cgGL.dll to {standalone folder}/support/cgGL.dll

Including Java components in your Windows standalone application

  • Copy the file /Program Files/Common Files/Max 6.0/Cycling '74/java/lib/max.jar to {standalone folder}/support/java/lib/max.jar
  • Copy any other necessary jar files (e.g. jitter.jar ) to {standalone folder}/support/java/lib/max.jar
  • Copy /Program Files/Common Files/Max 6.0/Cycling '74/java/classes/*.class to {standalone folder}/support/java/classes/*.class (all your necessary class files)

Including Javascript components in your Windows standalone application

  • Other than including any JS scripts that your patch may use, you do not have to manually include any additional files for JS/JSUI to work in standalones on Windows.

Adding a custom icon for a Windows standalone application

  • Choose Build Application / Collective / Plug-in... from the File menu. The Collective Editor window will appear. Click on the Include File button and select the .ICO file you’ve created from the file dialog box. A line will be added to the script window that of the form

include <file pathname<

  • Double-click on the word include in the script window to select it and change the first word from include to appicon. When you build your standalone application, it will use the icon you have specified.

See Also

Name Description
Sharing Max Patchers Sharing Max Patchers