Working with Video in Jitter

Working with Video in Jitter

Max provides powerful tools for working with video from real-time compositing and effects processing, to image analysis, live input capture and multi-channel displays. Whether you are getting started with Jitter or just looking for the next tool to add to your video kit, these resources can get you going.

Swappable Video Engine

The backend video library used by Jitter video objects is swappable, and can be changed globally via the videoengine preference or per-object. See the Video engines and Jitter Preferences guides for more information.

Best Practices in Jitter

An Introduction to VIZZIE

VIZZIE Visions Video Tutorials

Online Tutorials

See Also

Name Description
Video and Graphics Programming Tutorials Video and Graphics Programming Tutorials
Video and Graphics Tutorials Video and Graphics Programming Tutorials
Jitter Examples Listing Jitter Examples Listing
Jitter Javascript Examples Listing Jitter Javascript Examples Listing
Jitter OpenGL Examples Listing Jitter OpenGL Examples Listing
Advanced Jitter topics Advanced Jitter topics
Jitter Max for Live Jitter Max for Live
Tutorial 1: Playing a Movie Tutorial 1: Playing a Movie
Tutorial 4: Controlling Movie Playback Tutorial 4: Controlling Movie Playback
Tutorial 5: ARGB Color Tutorial 5: ARGB Color
Tutorial 6: Adjust Color Levels Tutorial 6: Adjust Color Levels
Tutorial 7: Image Level Adjustment Tutorial 7: Image Level Adjustment
Tutorial 8: Simple Mixing Tutorial 8: Simple Mixing
Tutorial 9: More Mixing Tutorial 9: More Mixing
Tutorial 10: Chromakeying Tutorial 10: Chromakeying
Tutorial 12: Color Lookup Tables Tutorial 12: Color Lookup Tables
Tutorial 13: Scissors and Glue Tutorial 13: Scissors and Glue
Tutorial 15: Image Rotation Tutorial 15: Image Rotation
Tutorial 16: Using Named Jitter Matrices Tutorial 16: Using Named Jitter Matrices
Tutorial 18: Iterative Processes and Matrix Re-Sampling Tutorial 18: Iterative Processes and Matrix Re-Sampling
Tutorial 19: Recording movies Tutorial 19: Recording movies
Tutorial 20: Importing and Exporting Single Matrices Tutorial 20: Importing and Exporting Single Matrices
Tutorial 25: Tracking the Position of a Color in a Movie Tutorial 25: Tracking the Position of a Color in a Movie
Tutorial 26: MIDI Control of Video Tutorial 26: MIDI Control of Video
Tutorial 27: Using MSP Audio in a Jitter Matrix Tutorial 27: Using MSP Audio in a Jitter Matrix
Tutorial 28: Audio Control of Video Tutorial 28: Audio Control of Video
Tutorial 29: Using the Alpha Channel Tutorial 29: Using the Alpha Channel
Tutorial 34: Using Textures Tutorial 34: Using Textures
Tutorial 38: Basic Performance Setup Tutorial 38: Basic Performance Setup
Tutorial 39: Spatial Mapping Tutorial 39: Spatial Mapping
Tutorial 42: Slab: Data Processing on the GPU Tutorial 42: Slab: Data Processing on the GPU
Tutorial 43: A Slab of Your Very Own Tutorial 43: A Slab of Your Very Own
Tutorial 45: Introduction to using Jitter within JavaScript Tutorial 45: Introduction to using Jitter within JavaScript
Tutorial 48: Frames of MSP signals Tutorial 48: Frames of MSP signals
Tutorial 49: Colorspaces Tutorial 49: Colorspaces
Tutorial 51: Jitter Java Tutorial 51: Jitter Java
Tutorial 52: Jitter Networking Tutorial 52: Jitter Networking
jit.alphablend Blend two images with an alpha channel image
jit.altern Color screen with threshold
jit.ameba Downsample/upsample with non-obvious results
jit.argb2ayuv Convert ARGB to AYUV
jit.argb2grgb Convert ARGB to GRGB
jit.argb2uyvy Convert ARGB to UYVY
jit.avc Control a FireWire VTR
jit.avg4 Average four points
jit.ayuv2argb Convert AYUV to ARGB
jit.ayuv2luma Convert AYUV to monochrome (luminance)
jit.ayuv2uyvy Convert AYUV to UYVY
jit.bfg Evaluate a procedural basis function graph
jit.brass Emboss image
jit.brcosa Adjust image brightness/contrast/saturation
jit.bsort Bubble sort
jit.buffer~ Access an MSP buffer~ in matrix form
jit.catch~ Transform signal data into matrices
jit.change Only pass different frames
jit.charmap Map 256-point input to output
jit.chromakey Key images based on chromatic distance
jit.clip Limit data to a range
jit.coerce Coerce a matrix into different types/planecount
jit.colorspace Convert between colorspaces
jit.concat Concatenate two matrices
jit.convolve Convolve two matrices
jit.cycle Cycle messages through outputs
jit.demultiplex Demultiplex (deinterleave) one matrix into two
jit.desktop Copy the display into a matrix
jit.dimmap Remap and/or invert matrix dimensions
jit.dimop Downsample using operators across dimensions
jit.eclipse Create images from images
jit.expr Evaluate an expression to fill a matrix
jit.fastblur Blur/sharpen using optimized algorithm
jit.findbounds Locate bounding dimensions for a value range
jit.fluoride Add a neon glow
jit.fpsgui FPS meter
jit.freeframe Utilize FreeFrame effects
jit.gen Generate new Jitter MOP objects Map textures in a window Create OpenGL textures Display video in OpenGL
jit.glop Produce feedback with gain staging
jit.glue Glue many matrices into one
jit.grab Digitize video from an external source
jit.gradient Generate Chebyshev gradients
jit.grgb2argb Convert GRGB to ARGB
jit.hatch Perform crosshatch filtering
jit.histogram Calculate matrix histogram
jit.hsl2rgb Convert HSL to RGB
jit.hue Rotate hue
jit.keyscreen Choke chromakey from 3 sources Calculate the determinant of a matrix Calculate the product across the main diagonal Calculate the inverse of a matrix True matrix multiplication Calculate the sum across the main diagonal Convert a matrix into an upper triangular matrix
jit.luma2ayuv Converts monochrome (luminance) to AYUV
jit.luma2uyvy Converts monochrome (luminance) to UYVY
jit.lumakey Key based on distance from a luminance value Map input range to output range
jit.matrix The Jitter Matrix!
jit.matrixset A set of matrices for storage/resequencing
jit.multiplex Multiplex (interleave) two matrices into one matrix
jit.mxform2d Spatial transform using 3x3 matrix Receive matrices from a object via TCP/IP Send matrices to a object via TCP/IP
jit.noise Generate white noise
jit.op Apply binary or unary operators
jit.pack Make a multiplane matrix out of single plane matrices
jit.peek~ Read matrix data as an audio signal
jit.pix Generates Jitter mop pixel processing objects from a patcher.
jit.planeop Operator across planes
jit.plume Displace points based on luminance
jit.plur Peace Love Unity Rave
jit.poke~ Write an audio signal into a matrix
jit.pwindow Display Jitter data and images
jit.grab Digitize video from an external source Play a movie
jit.record Record a movie
jit.release~ Transforms matrix data into signals
jit.repos Reposition spatially
jit.resamp Resample spatially
jit.reverse Reverse output with respect to input
jit.rgb2hsl Convert RGB to HSL
jit.rgb2luma Converts RGB to monochrome (luminance)
jit.robcross Robert's Cross edge detection
jit.rota Scale/rotate in 2D
jit.roy Convert image to halftone image
jit.rubix Reorder grid of rectangles
jit.scalebias Multiply and add
jit.scanoffset Uses a 1-dimensional matrix to offset scanlines
jit.scanslide Cellwise spatial envelope follower
jit.scanwrap Resample by scanline wrapping
jit.scissors Cut up a matrix into evenly spaced sub matrices
jit.scope Visual matrix analysis tools
jit.shade Map-based crossfader
jit.slide Cellwise temporal envelope follower
jit.sobel Sobel and Prewitt gradient edge detector
jit.split Split a matrix into two matrices
jit.sprinkle Introduce spatial noise
jit.streak Probability lines
jit.submatrix Reference a sub-region of a matrix Arbitrary rectangular resampling
jit.transpose Calculate the transpose of a matrix
jit.unpack Make multiple single plane matrices out of a multiplane matrix
jit.uyvy2argb Converts UYVY to ARGB
jit.uyvy2ayuv Converts UYVY to AYUV
jit.uyvy2luma Converts UYVY to monochrome (luminance)
jit.vcr Record a movie with MSP audio
jit.wake Feedback with convolution stage
jit.window Display data in a window
jit.xfade Crossfade between 2 matrices