QuickDraw wrapper
bang | Displays the current contents. | |
ascii | character [int] |
Writes the ascii character specified by the character argument at the current pen location using the current font and textmode, then moves the pen position to the right of that character. Numbers that exceed the 0-255 range are restricted to that range with a modulus operation. |
clear | Erases the contents of jit.lcd. | |
brgb |
red [int] green [int] blue [int] |
Sets the current background color. All values should be in the range 0-255. |
clearpicts | Deletes all of a jit.lcd object's named pictures. | |
clearregions | Deletes all of a jit.lcd object's named regions. | |
clipoval |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] |
Clips drawing commands to the oval specified by left top right bottom The arguments are specified in pixels, relative to the top left corner of the viewing area. |
clippoly | x/y-pairs [int list] |
Clips drawing commands to the polygon specified by the up to 254 x/y-pairs arguments. These integer pairs are specified in pixels, relative to the top left corner of the viewing area. |
cliprect |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] |
Clips drawing commands to the rectangle specified by left , top , right , and bottom arguments. These integer arguments are specified in pixels, relative to the top left corner of the viewing area. |
cliprgn | region-name [symbol] |
Clips drawing commands to the region specified by region-name argument. |
cliproundrect |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] horizontal-roundness [int] vertical-roundness [int] |
Clips drawing commands to the rounded rectangle specified by left , top , right , bottom , horizontal-roundness , and vertical-roundness arguments. These integer arguments are specified in pixels, relative to the top left corner of the viewing area. |
color | color-index [int] |
Sets the current pen color to the value specified by the color-index argument. |
deletepict | pict-name [symbol] |
Deletes the named picture. |
drawpict |
pict-name [symbol] x-offset [int] y-offset [int] width [int] height [int] src-x-offset [int] src-y-offset [int] src-width [int] src-height [int] |
Draws the named picture or matrix. A destination rectangle into which the picture is scaled and drawn may optionally be specified by the x-offset , y-offset , width , and height integer arguments. A source rectangle that specifies the area of the picture to use in the operation may also be optionally specified by the src-x-offset , src-y-offset , src-width , and src-height integer arguments. The position of the destination and source rectangles are relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Unless otherwise specified, both rectangles are set to be the same size as the picture. All arguments are optional and default to zero. The current penmode will used as the transfer mode. |
closeregion | region-name [symbol] |
Turns off region definition and associates the defined region with the region-name symbol argument. After the | message, drawing commands function normally again.
deleteregion | region-name [symbol] |
Deletes the named region. |
font | font-size [int] |
Sets the current font name and size. Fonts can be specified by either their ID number or name. Font size is specified in points. |
framearc |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] start-angle [int] arc-length [int] |
Paints the outline of an arc. The left , top , right , and bottom arguments describe the top and bottom extremities in pixels of an oval across which the arc will be drawn, and the start-angle and arc-length arguments describe the position of the arc with respect to the oval. The location of the oval/arc is relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the arc may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. The width of the line segment describing the arc is set using the message to the jit.lcd object. |
frameoval |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] |
Draws the unfilled outline of an oval. The left , top , right , and bottom integer arguments describe the top and bottom extremities in pixels of the oval. The location of the oval is relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the border may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. The width of the border of the oval is set using the message to the jit.lcd object. |
framepoly | x/y-pairs [int list] |
Draws the unfilled outline of a polygon specified by up to 254 integer x/y-pair arguments. Each integer pair specifies a pixels relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. A polygon is closed by specifying an x/y pair having the same values as the first integer pair. The width of the border of the polygon is set using the message to the jit.lcd object. |
framerect |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] |
Draws the unfilled outline of a rectangle specified by the left , top , right , and bottom integer arguments. The edge positions are specified as pixels relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the border of the rectangle may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. The width of the border of the rectangle is set using the message to the jit.lcd object. |
framergn |
region-name [symbol] x-offset [int] y-offset [int] |
Draws the unfilled outline of the region specified by the region-name argument. An optional pair of integer arguments that specify a horizontal and vertical offset to which the region's coordinates will be relative can also be specified. Optional arguments to specify the color of the region border may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. The width of the border of the region is set using the jit.lcd object. | message to the
frameroundrect |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] horizontal-roundness [int] vertical-roundness [int] |
Draws the unfilled outline of a rounded rectangle. The left , top , right , and bottom integer arguments describe the top and bottom extremities of the rectangle, and the The horizontal-roundness and vertical-roundness] integer arguments specify the amount of corner rounding in pixels. The location of the rounded rectangle is relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the border of the rounded rectangle may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. The width of the border of the rectangle is set using the message to the jit.lcd object. |
frgb |
red [int] green [int] blue [int] |
Sets the current foreground color. All arguments should be in the range 0-255. |
getpenloc | Sends the x and y coordinates of the current pen location out the right outlet of the object as a list in the form jit.lcd object's display area. The first number is the number of pixels to the right of that corner, and the second number is the number of pixels down from that corner. | x-offset y-offset . The numbers represent local coordinates relative to the top left corner of the|
getpixel |
x-offset [int] y-offset [int] |
Sends the color of the pixel specified by the x and y offset arguments and the coordinates out the object's right outlet as a list in the form jit.lcd object's display area. If a pixel is out of range, the message will output , where x and y are the out of range location specified. | red green blue x-offset y-offset . The three color values should be in the range 0-255. The pixel location is specified relative to the top left corner of the
move |
x-offset [int] y-offset [int] |
Moves the pen position relative to its current location. The new location is specified by the two integer x-offset and x-offset arguments. Positive values for the x-offset and x-offset arguments move the pen position to the right or down, and negative arguments move it up or to the left. |
line |
x-offset [int] y-offset [int] |
Draws a line from the current pen position to the relative point specified by two integer x-offset and x-offset arguments. The endpoint of the line becomes the new pen position. Positive values for the x-offset and x-offset arguments draw the line to the right or down, and negative arguments draw up or to the left. |
moveto |
x-offset [int] y-offset [int] |
Sets the pen position at which the next graphic instruction will be drawn. The new location is specified by the two integer x-offset and x-offset arguments that are relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. |
lineto |
x-offset [int] y-offset [int] |
Draws a line from the current pen position to the relative point specified by two integer x-offset and x-offset arguments. Positive values for the x-offset and x-offset arguments draw the line to the right or down, and negative arguments draw up or to the left. |
linesegment |
x-start [int] y-start [int] x-end [int] y-end [int] |
Draws a line segment. The x-start , y-start , x-end , and y-end arguments specify the start and end points of the line segment. The location of the start and end points is relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the line segment may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, the color specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. The width of the line segment is set using the message to the jit.lcd object. |
oprgb |
red [int] green [int] blue [int] |
Sets the current opcode color used in some of the jit.lcd object's transfermodes, such as "blend". All arguments should be in the range 0-255. |
noclip | Removes any clipping area that may be in place. | |
paintarc |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] start-angle [int] arc-length [int] |
Paints an arc. The left , top , right , and bottom integer arguments describe the top and bottom extremities in pixels of an oval across which the arc will be drawn, and the start-angle and arc-length arguments describe the position of the arc with respect to the oval. The location of the oval/arc is relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the arc may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. |
paintoval |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] |
Paints an oval. The left , top , right , and bottom integer arguments describe the top and bottom extremities in pixels of the oval. The location of the oval is relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the oval may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. |
paintpoly | x/y-pair [int list] |
Paints a polygon specified by up to 254 integer x/y-pair arguments. Each integer pair specifies a pixel relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. A polygon is closed by specifying an x/y pair having the same values as the first integer pair. |
paintrect |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] |
Paints a rectangle specified by the left , top , right , and bottom integer arguments. The edge positions are specified as pixels relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the rectangle may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. |
paintrgn |
region-name [symbol] x-offset [int] y-offset [int] |
Paints or filled the regions specified by the region-name argument. An optional pair of integer arguments that specify a horizontal and vertical offset to which the region's coordinates will be relative can also be specified. Optional arguments to specify the color of the region may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. |
paintroundrect |
left [int] top [int] bottom [int] right [int] horizontal-roundness [] vertical-roundness [] |
Paints a rounded rectangle. The left , top , right , and bottom integer arguments describe the top and bottom extremities of the rectangle, and the The horizontal-roundness and vertical-roundness] integer arguments specify the amount of corner rounding in pixels. The location of the rounded rectangle is relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. Optional arguments to specify the color of the rounded rectangle may also follow. If a single integer argument is used, it specifies a color from Max's color palette. Three integer arguments specify an RGB color. |
penmode | penmode-index [int] |
Sets the transfer mode for subsequent drawing operations. The transfer mode is set using an integer argument in the range 0-39. Supported transfer modes are: 0 = Copy 1 = Or 2 = Xor 3 = Bic 4 = NotCopy 5 = NotOr 6 = NotXor 7 = NotBic 32 = Blend 33 = AddPin 34 = AddOver 35 = SubPin 36 = Transparent 37 = AddMax 38 = SubOver 39 = AddMin For more information on the effects of each drawing mode, refer to the QuickDraw documentation in Inside Macintosh . |
pensize | number-of-pixels [int] |
Sets the pen size to be used subsequent drawing operations. The pen size is set with a single integer argument. |
readpict | pict-name [symbol] |
Reads a picture file specified by the symbol pict-name from disk into RAM. This named picture can then be drawn in lcd with the | and messages.
recordregion | Starts the recording of drawing commands which will be stored in a named region. While recording, drawing commands will have no visible effect on the contents of the jit.lcd object's display area. | |
reset | Erases the contents of the jit.lcd object's display area and resets the object to its default values. This message is equivalent to this series of messages to the jit.lcd object: clear pensize 1 penmode 0 frgb 0 0 0 (black) brgb 255 255 255 (white) |
textface | [] |
Sets the font style(s) to be used when rendering text. Font styles may be specified individually with a single symbol argument, or as a list. Valid font styles are | , , , , , , , and ;
textmode | mode-index [int] |
Sets the text rendering mode using an integer argument in the range 0-39. Supported textmodes are: 0 = Copy 1 = Or 2 = Xor 3 = Bic 4 = NotCopy 5 = NotOr 6 = NotXor 7 = NotBic 32 = Blend 33 = AddPin 34 = AddOver 35 = SubPin 36 = Transparent 37 = AddMax 38 = SubOver 39 = AddMin For more information on the effects of each rendering mode, refer to the QuickDraw documentation in Inside Macintosh . |
scrollrect |
left [int] top [int] right [int] bottom [int] left [int] x-offset [int] y-offset [int] |
Moves or "scrolls" a rectangle defined by the left , top , right , and bottom integer arguments in the direction specified by the x-offset and y-offset integer arguments. the first four arguments in the direction specified by the fifth and sixth ints within the jit.lcd object's display area. |
setpixel |
x-offset [int] y-offset [int] red [int] green [int] blue [int] |
Sets the pixel located at the coordinates specified by the x-offset and y-offset coordinates to the RGB value specified by the red , green , and blue arguments. The RGB values should be integers in the range 0-255. The pixel location is specified relative to the top left corner of the jit.lcd object's display area. |
tilepict |
pict-name [symbol] dst-left [int] dst-top [int] dst-right [int] dst-bottom [int] src-left [int] src-top [int] src-right [int] src-bottom [int] |
Fills a rectangle by tiling a picture. The name of a jit.matrix object can be used in place of the name of a PICT file, provided that the named jit.matrix object is a 4 plane char data matrix. Four optional integers can be used to specify a destination rectangle in which the picture is tiled and four integers that specify the area of the picture to use in the operation can be added. Destination and source rectangles are specified by their left, top, width, and height values in pixels. The destination and source rectangles are specified relative to the top left corner of the matrix. If no destination rectangle is specified, the destination is set to the size of the lcd matrix and the source is set to be the same size as the picture. |
write | symbol [] |
Writes the text specified by the symbol argument at the current pen location, using the current font and textmode. |
writepict | filename [symbol] |
Writes the current contents of the jit.lcd object's display area to a PICT file. If no filename argument is present, a Save As dialog will prompt you to choose a filename and location to write the PICT file. |
Name | Description |
jit.gl.sketch | GL parallel to lcd |
lcd | Draw graphics in a patcher window |
Tutorial 29: Using the Alpha Channel | Tutorial 29: Using the Alpha Channel |