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Reorder grid of rectangles


The jit.rubix object segments a matrix into a grid of rectangular cells. The resulting cells can reordered, flipped both horizontally and vertically, frozen, and filled with a single color value derived from a cell in the grid area (monochromatic).

Matrix Operator

matrix inputs:1, matrix outputs:1
Name IOProc Planelink Typelink Dimlink Plane Dim Type
out n/a 1 1 1 4 1 char

Information for Jitter Matrix Operator (MOP) messages and attributes to this object


colrot column [int]
number-of-cells [int]
Rotates the column specified by column the number of cells specified by rotate-cells .
freeze column [int]
row [int]
0/1 [int]
Toggles the freeze flag for the cell specified by column row . If set, the cell's contents will be frozen.
hflip column [int]
row [int]
0/1 [int]
Toggles the horizontal flip flag for the cell specified by column row . If set, the cell's contents will be flipped horizontally.
mono column [int]
row [int]
0/1 [int]
Toggles the mono flag for the cell specified by column row . If set, the cell's contents will be all the same value as the upper left most value in cell.
nomono column [int]
row [int]
0/1 [int]
Toggles the nomono flag for the cell specified by column row . If set, the cell's contents will not be monochromatic even if probmono has a non-zero value.
reset Places all cells in their original position and orientation.
rowrot row [int]
number-of-cells [int]
Rotates the row specified by row the number of cells specified by number-of-cells .
setcell output-column [int]
output-row [int]
input-column [int]
input-row [int]
Maps the input cell specified by input-column input-row to the output cell specified by output-column and output-row .
vflip column [int]
row [int]
0/1 [int]
Toggles the vertical flip flag for the cell specified by column row . If set, the cell's contents will be flipped vertically.


Name Type g/s Description
cols int The number of columns (default = 1)
dots int Dot render flag (default = 0) When the flag is set, dot rendering is used.
prob float The probability that a rectangular section will update with new data (default = 1.)
probmono float The probability that a rectangular section will be monochromatic (default = 0.)
rows int The number of rows (default = 1)

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.glue Glue many matrices into one
jit.resamp Resample spatially
jit.scissors Cut up a matrix into evenly spaced sub matrices
jit.tiffany Arbitrary rectangular resampling