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Resample by scanline wrapping


The jit.scanwrap object rewraps an input matrix into an output matrix. The mode attribute determines how matrix output is handled.

Matrix Operator

matrix inputs:1, matrix outputs:1
Name IOProc Planelink Typelink Dimlink Plane Dim Type
out n/a 1 1 1 1 1 char long float32 float64

Information for Jitter Matrix Operator (MOP) messages and attributes to this object


purge Sends the output matrix, regardless of its fill state (Note: In fill mode, the output matrix is generally unavailable until it is full). If a matrix is purged, the message purge 1 is sent out of the jit.scanwrap object's right outlet. If there is no matrix to purge, the message purge 0 is sent. purge does not reset the object like the reset message).
reset Sets the input/output scan back to the beginning and clears the output matrix. (Note: In fill mode, the reset message will start filling the output matrix from the top, abandoning any partial fill data that had already accumulated.)


Name Type g/s Description
mode int Output mode (default = 0 (fill))
0 = fill: The object will not output a matrix until it has received enough data to fill it. If the input matrix overflows the output, the excess data is truncated.
1 = dump: The object will output one matrix regardless of the amount of data received. If the output matrix is not filled, the remaining cells are set to 0. If the input matrix overflows the output, the excess data is truncated.
2 = spew: The object will output as many matrices as required to void itself of all data. If the output matrix is not filled, it waits until it has received enough data before it is output. If the input matrix overflows the output, the excess data is sent to new matrices, which will be output as soon as they are filled.
3 = wrap: If the input underflows the output matrix, it is 'looped' until it fills it up. Excess data is truncated.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.scanoffset Uses a 1-dimensional matrix to offset scanlines