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Visual matrix analysis tools


The jit.scope object is the video Swiss Army Knife cousin of the MSP scope~ object - it presents a number of modes for visually inspecting the values of a matrix and displaying them as waveform, vectorscope, histogram or parade visual data.




bang Outputs the current matrix.
jit_matrix window-size [list]
Displays the input matrix by scaling to the window size.
(mouse) Clicking with the mouse will display a horizontal or vertical line trace and numerical cursor.


Name Type g/s Description
accum int
Sets the amount of data, per pixel, to accumulate for display.
accum_desat float
When the jit.scope object is set to parade mode, this attribute sets the desaturation for the display (expressed as a float in the range 0. 1.0).
border float
Window border flag (default = 1) When the flag is set, the window is displayed with a border.
colormode symbol
Sets the color mode. The options are:

argb (the default)
dstrect int Specifies the portion of the output matrix written to by the input frame (default = 0 0 (matrix width) (matrix height)) The proportions of the rectangle are expressed in the form left top right bottom . All values are relative to the top left corner of the object's viewing area.
graphcolor float
def.:0.8 0.3 0. 1.
Sets the Graph Color in RGBA format.
graphmode symbol
When the jit.scope object is set to histogram mode, this attribute sets the data to be displayed. The options are:

luminance: displays a luminance (monochrome) display of histogram values
rgb: displays an overlaid set of histograms for R, G, and B values.
hgraphcolor float
def.:0.8 0.8 0. 1.
Sets the Graph Color displayed on hover in RGBA format.
hpopupbackgcolor float
def.:0.2 0.2 0.2 1.
Sets the Popup Highlight Background Color in RGBA format.
hpopupcolor float
def.:1. 1. 1. 1.
Sets the Popup Highlight Text Color in RGBA format.
interp int
Interpolation flag (default = 0) When the flag is set, the incoming matrix is interpolated when scaling to display.
mode symbol
Sets the display mode of the jit.scope object. The modes are:

waveform: signal values (y) plotted over time (x)
vectorscope: an x-y plot of two signals
histogram: a plot of the disbribution of values for an input signal
parade: a scrolling display of R, G, and B values shown on a single screen
planemap int Sets input plane to output plane mapping (default = 0 1 2 3 ...)
popupbackgcolor float
def.:0. 0. 0. 1.
Sets the Popup Background Color in RGBA format.
popupcolor float
def.:0.9 0.9 0.9 1.
Sets the Popup Text Color in RGBA format.
size int Sets the window size (width and height) (default = 320 240)
srcrect int Specifies Specifies the portion of the input matrix used when copying an input matrix to the internal matrix. (default = 0 0 (matrix width) (matrix height)) The proportions of the rectangle are expressed in the form left top right bottom . All values are relative to the top left corner of the viewing area of the input matrix.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.dx.grab Digitize video from an external source using DirectX (Windows only)
jit.histogram Calculate histogram
jit.qt.grab Digitize video from an external source
jit.qt.movie Play or edit a QuickTime movie