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Feedback with convolution stage


The jit.wake object performs video feedback with a convolution stage. The feedback, feed forward, gain, and convolution kernel values down, left, right, and up) for red, green, and blue planes are all separately controllable. Additional controls for feedback, feed forward, and gain for all colors considered together, as well as convolution kernel value control for all colors (upper, lower, left, and right).

Matrix Operator

matrix inputs:1, matrix outputs:1
Name IOProc Planelink Typelink Dimlink Plane Dim Type
out n/a 1 1 1 4 1 char

Information for Jitter Matrix Operator (MOP) messages and attributes to this object


Name Type g/s Description
bdownbleed float The lower convolution kernel value for the blue plane (default = 0.)
bfb float The feedback level for blue plane values (default = 0.)
bff float The feed forward level for blue plane values (default = 1.)
bgain float The gain level for blue plane values (default = 1.)
bleed float (set) The all upper, lower, left, and right convolution kernel values
bleftbleed float The blue left convolution kernel value (default = 0.)
brightbleed float The blue right convolution kernel value (default = 0.)
bupbleed float The blue upper convolution kernel value (default = 0.)
fb float (set) The feedback level for all plane values (default = 0.)
ff float (set) The feed forward level for all plane values (default = 1.)
gain float (set) The gain level for all colors (default = 1.)
gdownbleed float The lower convolution kernel value for the green plane (default = 0.)
gfb float The feedback level for green plane values (default = 0.)
gff float The feed forward level for green plane values (default = 1.)
ggain float The gain level for green plane values (default = 1.)
gleftbleed float The left convolution kernel value for the green plane (default = 0.)
grightbleed float The right convolution kernel value for the green plane (default = 0.)
gupbleed float The upper convolution kernel value for the green plane (default = 0.)
normalize int Normalization flag (default = 0)
rdownbleed float The lower convolution kernel value for the red plane (default = 0.)
rfb float The feedback level for red plane values (default = 0.)
rff float The feed forward level for red plane values (default = 1.)
rgain float The gain level for red plane values (default = 1.)
rleftbleed float The left convolution kernel value for the red plane (default = 0.)
rrightbleed float The right convolution kernel value for the red plane (default = 0.)
rupbleed float The upper convolution kernel value for the red plane (default = 0.)

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.convolve Convolve two matrices
jit.glop Feedback with gain stage
jit.op Apply binary or unary operators
Tutorial 45: Introduction to using Jitter within JavaScript Tutorial 45: Introduction to using Jitter within JavaScript