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Vectorized arrow(s) user interface object


The live.arrows object displays a variable number of directional arrow buttons.




int input [int]
Sending an integer value to the live.arrows object will cause the displayed arrow whose number corresponds to those arrow(w) currently displayed to flash and will send a corresponding message out the live.arrows object's outlet. Index numbering for arrows starts at 0 for the leftmost arrow. The indexing range will vary depending on the number of arrows displayed (using the downarrow, leftarrow, rightarrow, and uparrow attributes).
down When the down message is received, the down arrow will flash and the message down will be sent to the live.arrows object's outlet if the downarrow attribute is set to 1.
(mouse) Click to output the corresponding arrow symbol.
left When the left message is received, the left arrow will flash and the message left will be sent to the live.arrows object's outlet if the leftarrow attribute is set to 1.
right When the right message is received, the right arrow will flash and the message right will be sent to the live.arrows object's outlet if the rightarrow attribute is set to 1.
up When the up message is received, the up arrow will flash and the message up will be sent to the live.arrows object's outlet if the uparrow attribute is set to 1.


Name Type g/s Description
arrowcolor float Sets the arrow color of the live.arrows object in RGBA format.
blinkcolor float Sets the blink color of the live.arrows object in RGBA format.
blinktime int
Sets the blink time in milliseconds.
bordercolor float Sets the border color of the live.arrows object in RGBA format.
downarrow int
Toggles the display of the down arrow. The default is 1 (on).
leftarrow int
Toggles the display of the left arrow.
rightarrow int
Toggles the display of the right arrow. The default is 1 (on).
uparrow int
Toggles the display of the up arrow. The default is 1 (on).

Information for box attributes common to all objects


symbol: When a left, up, down, or right arrow is clicked or selected using a message, a corresponding message (left, up, down or right) is sent to the outlet


See Also

Name Description
live.button Flash on any message, send a bang