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Append arguments at the end of a message


append is best used for message formatting. append will add arguments to the end of any message you input. The message set will set the arguments to be appended (nothing is output).


Name Type Opt Description
appended-message anything opt Sets the message that will be appended to the end of incoming messages.


bang A bang will cause append to output the message which was most recently stored in memory (bang is particularly useful for triggering output following the set message).
int input-message [int]
The message stored in append is appended, preceded by a space, to the end of any message that is received in the inlet, and the combined message is sent out the outlet.
float input-message [float]
The message stored in append is appended, preceded by a space, to the end of any message that is received in the inlet, and the combined message is sent out the outlet.
list input-message [list]
The message stored in append is appended, preceded by a space, to the end of any message that is received in the inlet, and the combined message is sent out the outlet.
anything input-message [list]
The message stored in append is appended, preceded by a space, to the end of any message that is received in the inlet, and the combined message is sent out the outlet.
set input-message [list]
The word set, followed by any message, will replace the message stored in append, without triggering output.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


anything: The message received in the inlet is combined with the message stored in append, and then sent out the outlet.


Symbols can be combined into meaningful messages with append

See Also

Name Description
prepend Put one message at the beginning of another