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Arc-tangent function (two variables)


atan2 calculates and outputs the arc-tangent of any two given numbers where the left input is the y value and the right input is the x value.


Name Type Opt Description
initial-values float or int opt Two ints may be used to set the initial value for the arc-tangent function.


bang In left inlet: Calculates the arc-tangent of the numbers currently stored. If there are no arguments, atan2 initially holds 0 for both input values.
int y-value [int]
In left input: y value input to an arc-tangent function.
  (inlet1) x-value [int]
In right input: x value input to an arc-tangent function.
float y-value [float]
In left input: y value input to an arc-tangent function.
  (inlet1) x-value [float]
In right input: x value input to an arc-tangent function.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


float: The arc-tangent of the input values (i.e. Arc-tangent (y/x)).
int: The arc-tangent of the input values (i.e. Arc-tangent (y/x)).


See Also

Name Description
atan Arc-tangent function
atanh Hyperbolic arc-tangent function
tan Tangent function