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Synchronize arriving data, output them together


buddy outputs incoming data all at once but only after incoming data has been received in all inlets.


Name Type Opt Description
number of inlets/outlets int opt Sets the number of inlets (and outlets). If there is no argument, there are two inlets and two outlets.


bang In any inlet: Same as sending the number 0.
int input [int]
In any inlet: When data has been received in all its inlets, buddy sends the received messages out their corresponding outlets, then waits until data has arrived again in all inlets.
float input [float]
In any inlet: When data has been received in all its inlets, buddy sends the received messages out their corresponding outlets, then waits until data has arrived again in all inlets.
list input [list]
In any inlet: When data has been received in all its inlets, buddy sends the received messages out their corresponding outlets, then waits until data has arrived again in all inlets.
anything input [list]
In any inlet: When data has been received in all its inlets, buddy sends the received messages out their corresponding outlets, then waits until data has arrived again in all inlets.
clear In left inlet: Deletes all values stored in the inlets.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


any message: When a data has arrived in each inlet, it is sent out the outlets, in order from right to left.


Output is synchronous even if input is not synchronous

See Also

Name Description
bondo Synchronize a group of messages
onebang Traffic control for bang messages
pack Combine numbers and symbols into a list
swap Reverse the sequential order of two integers
thresh Combine numbers into a list when received close together
unpack Break a list into individual messages