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Send a stream of data to individual outlets


cycle takes integers or a list as input. Each number is sent to the next outlet, wrapping around to the first outlet after the last has been reached.


Name Type Opt Description
number of outlets and output mode int opt The first argument determines the number of outlets. If there is no argument, there will be one outlet. The second argument sets the output mode. If it is non-zero, cycle detects separate "events" and restarts at the leftmost outlet when a new event occurs. Examples of separate events include messages with delays between them, and messages triggered by successive mouse clicks or MIDI events. A stream of items separated by commas in a message box is considered a single event. If this argument is not present or is 0, the values cycle through all the outlets, regardless of whether they are attached to separate events or not.


bang Sends a bang to the next outlet.
int input [int]
The input to be directed to successive outlets.
float input [float]
The input to be directed to successive outlets.
list input [list]
The stream of ints, floats, or symbols to be directed to successive outlets.
anything input [list]
The stream of ints, floats, or symbols to be directed to successive outlets.
thresh output mode (0 or 1) [int]
The word thresh, followed by a number, sets the output mode, in the same way as the second typed-in argument. If the number is non-zero, cycle will detect separate "events" and restart at the leftmost outlet whenever a new event occurs. If the number is 0, each number received will be directed to the next outlet in the cycle.
set outlet number [int]
The word set, followed by a number, specifies an outlet to which the next input should be directed, if in cycle mode. Outlets are numbered beginning with 0; if an outlet number is specified that does not actually exist, the message is ignored. (This message has no effect when cycle is in event-sensitive mode, in which case each message is always sent out beginning at the leftmost outlet.)
symbol input [symbol]
The stream of ints, floats, or symbols to be directed to successive outlets.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


anything: Out any outlet: In cycle mode, each successive int, float, or symbol received, either separately or as part of a list, is directed to an outlet to the right of the previous number. When the cycle reaches the rightmost outlet, the next number is sent out the left outlet.

In event-sensitive mode, any int, float, or symbol which is a new event restarts the output at the left outlet.


Using cycle to get ASCII relief

See Also

Name Description
bucket Pass a number from outlet to outlet, out each one in turn
counter Count the bang messages received, output the count
spell Convert input to ASCII codes
spray Distribute a value to a numbered outlet