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Is less than or equal to, comparison of two numbers


<= takes any given number, compares it to another specified number, and outputs a 1 if the number is less than or equal to the comparison-number or 0 if it is greater.


Name Type Opt Description
intitial-value int or float opt Sets the initial value, to be compared with a number received in the left inlet. A float argument forces a float comparison.


bang In left inlet: Performs the comparison with the numbers currently stored. If there is no argument, <= initially holds 0 for comparison.
int input [int]
In left inlet: If the number is less than or equal to the number in the right inlet, <= outputs 1. Otherwise, <= outputs 0.
  (inlet1) comparison-value [int]
In right inlet: The number is stored to be compared with a number received in the left inlet.
float input [float]
Converted to int before comparison, unless <= has a float argument.
set set-input [int]
The word set followed by a number will set the input number to the object without causing output.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


int: 1 if the number in the left inlet is less than or equal to the number in the right inlet. 0 if the number in the left inlet is greater than the number in the right inlet.


Is less than... or equal to... Is not less than or equal to

See Also

Name Description
!= Compare two numbers, output 1 if they are not equal
< Is less than, comparison of two numbers
Is less than or equal to, comparison of two numbers
== Compare two numbers, output 1 if they are equal
>= Is greater than or equal to, comparison of two numbers
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