bang |
User-defined according to the Java class instantiated. |
int |
input [int]
User-defined according to the Java class instantiated. |
float |
input [float]
User-defined according to the Java class instantiated. |
list |
input [list]
User-defined according to the Java class instantiated. |
anything |
input [list]
User-defined according to the Java class instantiated. |
(mouse) |
Double-clicking with the mouse on the mxj object displays its contents as text in an editing window which the user can modify. |
get |
attribute-name [list]
The word get followed by an attribute-name will post the attribute value in the Max window. |
viewsource |
The viewsource message brings up a text editor window and loads the source code for the peer Java object. If the source code is not in the same directory as the peer class's .java file, a decompilation of the class file is attempted and the resulting decompiled source is presented. From within the editor window it's possible to make edits to the source, save the file, and recompile the class. |
zap |
When a zap message is sent to an mxj object with Java peer class Foo, the next mxj object that's instantiated with the same peer Java class Foo (ie typing "mxj Foo" in an object box) will cause the class to reload itself from disk. This is most useful in a programming context: if one makes a change to and recompiles a new Foo.class the zap message allows one to create an instance of the new class without having to quit and restart the Max environment. Without sending the zap message Max would simply use the cached definition of the class that was loaded when a Foo object was instantiated prior to the changes being made. |