Create pattr 'share points' and communicate between patcher hierarchies
Name | Type | Opt | Description |
global name | symbol | The name for the parent patcher of the pattrmarker object in the pattr global namespace. |
getmarkerlist | all [int] |
Reports a list of all registered names in the pattr global namespace from the pattrmarker object's outlet, prepended by the word . These names are reported whether they were registered via pattrmarker objects or via the globalpatchername attribute of the patcher object. With no argument, or an argument of , the names of pattrmarker objects with the invisible attribute enabled will not appear in the reported list. With an argument of , all names, regardless of the invisible status, will be reported. |
reveal | global name [symbol] |
Opens a view of the patcher referred to by the | argument.
Name | Type | g/s | Description |
invisible | int | When enabled, the name of this pattrmarker object will not appear in the list reported by the message. | |
name | symbol | The global name of the parent patcher of the pattrmarker object. |
Name | Description |
autopattr | Expose multiple objects in a patcher to the pattr system |
pattr | Patcher-specific, named data wrapper |
pattrforward | Send any message to a named object in the patcher hierarchy |
pattrhub | Access all of the pattr objects in a patcher |
pattrstorage | Save and recall presets of pattr data |