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Computes x to the power of y


pow raises the base value (set in the left inlet) to the power of the exponent (set in the right inlet).


Name Type Opt Description
base-value float or int opt Sets the base value. The default value is 0.


bang Causes pow to output the most recent value it has calculated.
int base/exponent-value [int]
In left inlet: Sets the exponent.
In right inlet: Sets the base value.
float base/exponent-value [float]
In left inlet: Sets the exponent.
In right inlet: Sets the base value.
  (inlet1) base-value [float]
In right inlet: Sets the exponent.
list exponent and base values [list]
A list consisting of the base-value followed by the exponent-value will cause pow to output the base-value raised to the power of the exponent.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


float: The base value (from the left inlet) raised to the exponent (from the right inlet).


pow will give you a square deal (and other numbers too)

See Also

Name Description
expr Evaluate a mathematical expression
>> Shift all bits to the right
<< Shift all bits to the left