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Filter an input value logarithmically


slide filters an input value logarithmically between changes. The formula is y (n) = y (n-1) + ((x (n) - y (n-1))/slide). It's particularly useful for envelope following and lowpass filtering.


Name Type Opt Description
slide-up-value float opt Specifies the slide up value. The default is 1.
slide-down-value float opt A second argument specifies the slide down value. The default is 1.


bang Performs the same function as float using the last input value.
int input [int]
Converted to float.
float input [float]
In left inlet: An input value to be filtered. The a new value is received, object filters an input value logarithmically between changes using the formula

y (n) = y (n-1) + ((x (n) - y (n-1))/slide)

A given sample output from slide is equal to the last value plus the difference between the last value and the input divided by the slide value. Given a slide value of 1, the output will therefore always equal the input. Given a slide value of 10, the output will only change 1/10th as quickly as the input. This can be particularly useful for lowpass filtering or envelope following.
  (inlet1) slide-up-value [float]
In middle inlet: Specifies the slide up value to be used when an incoming value is greater than the current value.
  (inlet2) slide-down-value [float]
In right inlet: Specifies the slide down value to be used when an incoming value is less than the current value.
set input [int]
The word set followed by a number will set the current input value to the given number without causing output (bang can be used to cause successive output).
reset Resets the current output sample to 0.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


float: The filtered input value.


slide performs logarithmic smoothing of an input

See Also

Name Description
expr Evaluate a mathematical expression
Max Data Tutorial 2: Data Scaling Max Data Tutorial 2: Data Scaling