bang |
Sends out a MIDI pitch bend message using the numbers currently stored in xbendout. |
int |
14bit-pitch-bend-value [int]
In left inlet: The number is a 14-bit pitch bend value to be formatted into a complete MIDI pitch bend message by xbendout. |
(inlet1) |
MIDI-channel [int]
In right inlet: The number is stored as the MIDI channel for the pitch bend message sent out by xbendout. Channel numbers greater than 16 will be wrapped around to stay within the 1-16 range. |
(inlet2) |
MIDI-channel [int]
The number is stored as the MIDI channel for the pitch bend message sent out by xbendout. Channel numbers greater than 16 will be wrapped around to stay within the 1-16 range. |
list |
14bit-pitch-bend and MIDI-channel [list]
The first number is a 14-bit pitch bend value, and the second number is the channel. Both numbers are stored and are formatted into a MIDI pitch bend message which is sent out the outlet. |