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Format MIDI note messages with release velocity


xnoteout can format a note-off MIDI message with a release velocity.


Name Type Opt Description
MIDI-channel int opt Sets an initial value for the MIDI channel of the outgoing messages. Channel numbers greater than 16 will be wrapped around to stay within the 1-16 range. If there is no argument, the initial channel number is 1.


bang Sends out a MIDI message using the numbers currently stored in xnoteout.
int MIDI-pitch-value [int]
In left inlet: The number is used as the pitch value for a note-on or note-off message, and the message is sent out the outlet byte-by-byte.
  (inlet1) MIDI-velocity [int]
In left-middle inlet: The number is stored as the velocity for either a note-on or a note-off message. If no number has been received yet, the velocity for note-ons is 64, and the velocity for note-offs is 0.
  (inlet2) note-on/off-flag (0 or 1) [int]
In right-middle inlet: The number is stored as the indicator of whether outgoing messages should be note-ons or note-offs. If the number is not 0, xnoteout will send out a note-on message. If the number is 0, xnoteout will send out a note-off message with a release velocity. If no number has been received yet, it is initially 1 (note-on).
  (inlet3) MIDI-channel [int]
In right inlet: The number is stored as the channel for the MIDI message sent out by xnoteout. Channel numbers greater than 16 will be wrapped around to stay within the 1-16 range.
list MIDI-pitch MIDI-velocity note-on/off-flag and MIDI-channel [list]
The first number is the pitch value, the second number is the velocity, the third number is the note-on/note-off indicator (non-zero for note-on, 0 for note-off), and the fourth number is the channel. The numbers are stored by xnoteout, and a MIDI note-on or note-off message is sent out.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


int: When a pitch value is received, a complete MIDI note-on or note-off message is sent out the outlet, byte-by-byte. Whereas a note-on with a velocity of 0 is most commonly used to indicate a note-off, xnoteout sends out the MIDI note-off command and uses the specified velocity as a release velocity.


The numbers are formatted into a MIDI note-on or note-off message which is sent out byte-by-byte

See Also

Name Description
noteout Transmit MIDI note messages
midiout Transmit raw MIDI data
xnotein Interpret MIDI note messages with release velocity