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Define a switchable part of a signal network


begin~ outputs a constant signal of 0. It is used to designate the beginning portion of a signal network that you wish to be turned off when it's not needed. You connect the outlet of begin~ to the signal inlet of another object to define the beginning of a signal network that will eventually pass through a gate~ or selector~. One begin~ can be used for each gate~ or selector~ signal inlet. When the signal coming into gate~ or selector~ is shut off, no processing occurs in any of the objects in the signal network between the begin~ and the gate~ or selector~.



Information for box attributes common to all objects


signal: A constant signal of 0 used to designate the beginning portion of a signal network that will be turned off whenever used in tandem with gate~ and selector~ objects.


See Also

Name Description
selector~ Assign one of several inputs to an outlet
gate~ Route a signal to one of several outlets
MSP Tutorial 5: Turning Signals On and Off MSP Tutorial 5: Turning Signals On and Off