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buffer-based FIR filter


The buffir~ object implements a finite impulse response (FIR) filter that convolves an input signal with N samples of a buffer. The current number of maximum points is 256.


Name Type Opt Description
buffer-object-name symbol Obligatory. The name of a buffer~ object which buffir~ uses to filter the input signal.
read-offset (samples) int or float opt The offset, in samples, into the buffer~ object before buffir~ begins reading samples to construct the filter. The default is 0.
read-duration (samples) int or float opt The size, in samples, of the slice in the buffer~ which buffir~ will use for the filter. The default is 0.


int read-offset (samples) [int]
In middle inlet: The offset into the filter buffer~ from which buffir~ begins to read, in samples.

In right inlet: The size (in samples) of the slice from the buffer~ which is used to filter the input signal (the maximum is 256).
float read-offset (samples) [float]
In middle inlet: The offset into the filter buffer~ from which buffir~ begins to read, in samples.

In right inlet: The size (in samples) of the slice from the buffer~ which is used to filter the input signal (the maximum is 256).
clear The word clear erases (zeroes) the current input history for the filter.
set buffer-object-name [symbol]
read-offset (samples) [int]
read-duration (samples) [int]
The word set, followed by the name of a buffer~ object, an int which specifies sample offset, and an optional int which specifies a number of samples, specifies the name of a buffer~ object which buffir~ uses to filter its input signal.
signal In left inlet: The signal to be convolved with samples from the buffer~.

In middle inlet: The offset (in samples) into the filter buffer~ from which the buffir~ object begins to read.

In right inlet: The size of the slice from the filter buffer~ which is used to filter the input signal, in samples. The maximum is 256.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


signal: The filtered signal, based on a convolution of the input signal with samples in the buffer~.


buffir~ lets you use slices of a buffer~ as an impulse response for an FIR filter

See Also

Name Description
biquad~ Two-pole, two-zero filter
buffer~ Store audio samples
cascade~ Cascaded series of biquad filters