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Internet upload/download


The jit.uldl object provides asynchronous file upload and download. Download is possible from http:// , https:// , ftp:// , and file:/// URLs.

Upload is only possible to ftp:// URLs.

Matrix Operator

matrix inputs:0, matrix outputs:1
Name IOProc Planelink Typelink Dimlink Plane Dim Type
out n/a 1 1 1 1 1 char

Information for Jitter Matrix Operator (MOP) messages and attributes to this object


abort Aborts a download or upload operation in progress.
download URL [symbol]
Begins a download operation from the URL specified in the argument. Any data is downloaded to the default path or the directory specified by the defaultdir attribute. If no argument is given, download begins from the URL specified by the url_dl attribute. If the argument matrix is given, data will be downloaded to a Jitter matrix, and output via the jit.uldl object's left (matrix) outlet.
upload local-file [symbol]
URL [symbol]
Begins an upload operation from the local file specified by the first argument, to the URL specified in the second argument. If no second argument is given, upload is to the URL specified by the url_ul attribute.


Name Type g/s Description
report int Upload/download status report flag (default = 0)
When the flag is set, periodic status data is sent out the right outlet during data transfer operations.
url_ul symbol The upload URL (default = [none])
urlul symbol Duplicates the functionality of the url_ul attribute.
url_dl symbol The download URL (default = [none])
urldl symbol Duplicates the functionality of the url_dl attribute.
username symbol The username, if needed for upload and download (default = [none])
password symbol The password, if required (default = [none])
defaultdir symbol The default download directory (default = default path)
convert int When the flag is set (the default), the jit.uldl object will convert the line breaks in downloaded data (DOS or Unix-style) to Macintosh-style line breaks.
percent int Upload/download percent report flag (default = 0)
When the flag is set, the periodic indications of a download operation's progress (as a floating point number between 0 and 1) are reported from the right outlet.
dir_list int List remote directories flag (FTP-only, default = 0)
When the flag is set, the jit.uldl object will attempt to list the contents of a remote directory, if the URL specifies one. This feature is only available for FTP URLs.

WINDOWS USERS: This functionality is not currently available.
dirlist int List remote directories flag (FTP-only, default = 0)
Duplicates the functionality of the dir_list attribute.
passive int When the flag is set (the default) FTP connections will be made using passive mode.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.qt.movie Play or edit a QuickTime movie
jit.textfile Read and write a matrix as an ASCII text file