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Send a bang to many places, in order


bangbang takes one argument which specifies the number of outlets and then outputs bang messages out of each outlet from right-to-left when it receives any kind of input.


Name Type Opt Description
number-of-outlets int opt Sets the number of outlets. The number of outlets can be any number between 1 and 40.
number-of-outlets float Converted to int.


bang Performs the same function as anything.
int input [int]
Performs the same function as anything.
float input [float]
Performs the same function as anything.
anything input [list]
Causes a bang to be sent out all outlets, in right-to-left order.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


bang: When a message is received in the inlet, a bang is sent out each outlet, in order from right to left.


Order is right-to-left....... Order is specified by bangbang

See Also

Name Description
button Flash on any message, send a bang
jstrigger Execute Javascript instructions sequentially
trigger Send input to many places, in order
Max Basic Tutorial 5: Message Order and Debugging Max Basic Tutorial 5: Message Order and Debugging