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Signal hyperbolic cosine function


cosh~ will take any given signal and output a signal which is the hyperbolic cosine function of each sample within the input signal.




signal Input to a hyperbolic cosine function.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


signal: The hyperbolic cosine of the input.


Exciting nautical motif audio control signals call for the cosh~ object

See Also

Name Description
acos~ Signal arc-cosine function
acosh~ Signal hyperbolic arc-cosine function
asin~ Signal arc-sine function
asinh~ Signal hyperbolic arc-sine function
atan~ Signal arc-tangent function
atanh~ Signal hyperbolic arc-tangent function
atan2~ Signal arc-tangent function (two variables)
cos~ Signal cosine function (0-1 range)
cosx~ Signal cosine function
sinh~ Signal hyperbolic sine function
sinx~ Signal sine function
tanh~ Signal hyperbolic tangent function
tanx~ Signal tangent function