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Filetypes Recognized in Max

Several Max objects such as folder, umenu, and opendialog can use the four-character Max filetype to specify what kind of file(s) are used. Here is a listing of those four-letter filetypes together with a description of the filetype and the standard filename extensions associated with them.

8BPS - Photoshop file - .psd
AFxB - FXB file - .fxb
AFxP - FXP file - .fxp
AIFF - AIFF audio file - .aif
AIFF - AIFF audio file - .aiff
ampf - Ableton Live Max Device - .amp
amxd - Ableton Live Max Device - .amxd
aPcs - VST Plug-In - .dll
aPcs - VST plug-in - .vst
APPL - Application - .app
APPL - Application - .exe
AUin - Audio Unit Plug-in - .auinfo
AUpi - Audio Unit Plug-in - .component
BMP - BMP file - .bmp
css - CSS file - .css
DATA - audio file - .data
FLAC - FLAC audio file - .flac
fold - Folder/Directory - Folder
gDSP - dsp.gen File - .gendsp
GenX - GenExpr file - .genexpr
GIFf - GIF file - .gif
gJIT - jit.gen File - .genjit
iLaF - External object - .mxd
iLaF - External object - .mxe
iLaX - External object - .mxo
iLaX - Macintosh External Object - .mxo
J3dm - 3D GameStudio Model File - .mdl
J3ds - 3ds Max 3DS Model File - .3ds
Jac - AC3D Model File - .ac
Jase - 3ds Max ASE Model File - .ase
Jb3d - BlitzBasic 3D Model File - .b3d
Jbln - Blender 3D Model File - .blend
Jbvh - Biovision BVH Motion Capture File - .bvh
Jcob - TrueSpace COB Model File - .cob
Jcsm - CharacterStudio Motion Capture File - .csm
Jdae - Collada Model File - .dae
Jdxf - AutoCAD DXF Model File - .dxf
Jhmp - 3D GameStudio Terrain File - .hmp
Jirm - Irrlicht Mesh File - .irrmesh
Jirr - Irrlicht Scene File - .irr
JiT! - Jitter data file - .jit
JiT! - Jitter data file - .jxf
Jlwo - LightWave Model File - .lwo
Jlxo - Modo Model File - .lxo
Jmd2 - Quake II Mesh File - .md2
Jmd3 - Quake III Mesh File - .md3
Jmd5 - Doom 3 Model File - .md5
Jmdc - Return to Castle Wolfenstein Model File - .mdc
Jmdl - Quake I Mesh File - .mdl
Jmsd - Milkshape 3D Model File - .ms3d
Jmtl - Jitter Material File - .jitmtl
Jndo - Izware Nendo Model File - .ndo
Jnff - Neutral File Format File - .nff
Jobj - Wavefront Object Model File - .obj
Joff - Object File Format File - .off
Jogr - Ogre3D XML Model File - .mesh.xml
JPEG - JPEG file - .jpeg
JPEG - JPEG file - .jpg
Jpk3 - Quake III BSP File - .pk3
Jply - Stanford Polygon Library Model File - .ply
Jq3d - Quick3D Q3D Model File - .q3d
Jq3s - Quick3D Q3S Model File - .q3s
Jraw - PovRAY Raw Model File - .raw
Js8w - Sense8 WorldToolKit File - .nff
Jscb - TrueSpace SCB Model File - .scb
Jsmd - Valve SMD Model File - .smd
JSON - Defaults definitions - .maxdefines
JSON - Defaults file - .maxdefaults
JSON - Help Patcher - .maxhelp
JSON - JSON - .json
JSON - Patcher - .maxpat
JSON - Preferences file - .maxpref
JSON - Preset file - .maxpresets
JSON - Prototype - .maxproto
JSON - Query file - .maxquery
JSON - Swatches file - .maxswatches
Jstl - Stereolithography Model File - .stl
Jter - Terragen Terrain File - .ter
Jvta - Valve VTA Model File - .vta
Jxmd - Direct X Model File - .x
"M4a " - AAC audio file - .m4a
maxb - Help file - .help
maxb - Patcher - .mxb
maxb - Patcher - .pat
maxc - Max Collective - .clct
maxc - Max Collective - .mxc
Midi - MIDI file - .mid
Midi - MIDI file - .midi
MooV - Video - .mov
Mp3 - MP3 audio file - .mp3
MPEG - Video - .mpeg
MPEG - Video - .mpg
mpg4 - Video - .mp4
mPrj - Project - .maxproj
mx@c - Collective - .mxf
mZip - Packed Project - .maxzip
NxTS - NeXT/Sun audio file - .snd
PICS - PICS file - .pics
PICT - PICT file - .pct
PICT - PICT file - .pict
PNG - PNG file - .png
PNG - PNG file - .png
PNGf - PNG file - .png
pSto - Pattrstorage Preset File (JSON) - .json
pStx - Pattrstorage Preset File (XML) - .xml
svg - SVG file - .svg
SWFL - Flash file - .swf
TEXT - Help file - .help
TEXT - Java source file - .java
TEXT - Javascript file - .js
TEXT - OpenGL Shading Language file - .glsl
TEXT - Patcher - .mxt
TEXT - Patcher - .pat
TEXT - Text file - .txt
TEXT - Web page - .htm
TEXT - Web page - .html
TEXT - Web page - .xhtml
TEXT - XML file - .xml
TEXT - XML Reference file - .maxref.xml
TEXT - XML Shader Description file - .jxs
TEXT - XML Tutorial file - .maxtut.xml
TEXT - XML Vignette file - .maxvig.xml
TIFF - TIFF file - .tif
TIFF - TIFF file - .tiff
ULAW - SND file - .snd
VfW - AVI video - .avi
WAVE - WAVE audio file - .wav
xdll - Windows external object - .mxe
xQZZ - Support file - .hibundle
XSLT - XSLT file - .xsl
YAML - YAML - .yaml
YAML - YAML - .yml

See Also

Name Description
Technical Notes Technical Notes