hue(HSLA, factor)
Shift the hue part of an HSL[A] color by a factor
- A table of HSL and optionally an A value
- The shifting factor
saturate(HSLA, factor)
Scale the saturation part of an HSL[A] color by a factor
- A table of HSL and optionally an A value
- The scaling factor
lighten(HSLA, factor)
Scale the lightness part of an HSL[A] color by a factor
- A table of HSL and optionally an A value
- The scaling factor
Convert RGB[A] [0, 1] to HSL[A] [0, 1]
If the input has an alpha channel, it will be appended to output
- A table or unpacked list of RGB[A] values
Convert HSL[A] [0, 1] to RGB[A] [0, 1]
If the input has an alpha channel, it will be appended to the output
- A table or unpacked list of HSL[A] values
Color Names
See Also
Name | Description |
Lua in Max | Lua in Max |