cosT8~ Reference

8th order Taylor series approximation of the cosine function. Input must be in the range [-pi, pi] in order to approximate without divergence.



Input (Radians) [auto]


Input to the Taylor series approximation of cosine. Values outside of the range [-pi, pi] will begin to diverge towards negative and positive infinity.


Input (Radians) [auto]

Input to the Taylor series approximation of cosine. Values outside of the range [-pi, pi] will begin to diverge towards negative and positive infinity.


Cosine Approximation [signal]

The 8th order Taylor series approximation of cosine.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

r [auto]

Input to the Taylor series approximation of cosine. Values outside of the range [-pi, pi] will begin to diverge towards negative and positive infinity.

reset [bang] (default: 0)

Banging this attribute will reset the object to its default state.

See Also

Name Description
cosT8 8th order Taylor series approximation of the cosine function. Input must be in the range [-pi, pi] in order to approximate without divergence.
cos Cosine of the input
cos~ Cosine of the input
cosT8safe Safe cosine approximation of the input
cosT8safe~ Safe cosine approximation of the input