patcher Reference





title [symbol]


The title for the subpatcher.

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

args [symbol]

Support for unique identifiers using a pound sign with a non-zero integer (#1 , #2, #3...) can be set for subpatchers. Use an @args argument, followed by the names of attributes of objects you want to substitute with your unique identifier. Inside the subpatcher, setting an object with a name determined in the @args allows for replacement of that specific argument with a unique identifier using a pound sign followed by a non-zero integer.

exposevoiceparams [bool] (default: false)

For polyphonic subpatchers, the @exposevoiceparams attribute, when active, will create per-voice versions of the parameters contained in the subpatcher.

file [symbol]

The @file attribute loads a .rnbopat file as the contents of the subpatcher when given the name of the file, minus the .rnbopat extension.

notecontroller [symbol]

DEPRECATED. Use voicecontrol instead.

polyphony [number] (default: -1)

This attribute defines the number of voices of polyphony for the subpatcher. The default value is -1 , meaning that the subpatcher is not polyphonic.

receivemode [enum] (default: local)

In polyphonic subpatchers, the @receivemode attribute sets whether receive~ objects inside a voice of a subpatcher will receive signal from a send~ directly, without latency ( local mode), or compensated , in which case latency is added to align with other voices.

Possible values:

0 = 'local'
1 = 'compensated'

title [symbol]

The title for the subpatcher.

voicecontrol [enum] (default: simple)

Chooses the way that polyphonic voices are controlled. 'simple' (or 'midi') will automatically allocate voices for incoming MIDI notes. Setting it to 'user' (or 'none') will switch off MIDI voice allocation and start with all voices unmuted. Possible values:

0 = 'simple'
1 = 'user'

See Also

Name Description
gen~ gen~