scala.scl Reference

Scala SCL parser




trigger [bang]

A bang will output the scale described in scala.scl as a list that can set a scale for RNBO objects such as mtof , mtof~ , ftom , and ftom~ , using the set object and the @scale attribute.

See the mtof reference for a description of the conversion between the .scl format and the RNBO list format for scales.


out [list]

The scale is output as a list.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

trigger [bang]

A bang will output the scale described in scala.scl as a list that can set a scale for RNBO objects such as mtof , mtof~ , ftom , and ftom~ , using the set object and the @scale attribute.

See the mtof reference for a description of the conversion between the .scl format and the RNBO list format for scales.

See Also

Name Description
scala.list Store and output scala scale lists.
scala.kbm Scala KBM parser
mtof Convert between MIDI notes and frequencies.
ftom Convert between frequencies and MIDI notes.
mtof Convert a MIDI note number to frequency
mtof~ Convert a MIDI note number to frequency at signal rate