stripnote Reference

Filter out note-off messages




notenumber [number]

An incoming number is treated as a pitch value. If the velocity value currently held by stripnote is not 0, then the velocity is sent out the right outlet and the pitch is sent out the left outlet.

velocity [number]

In right inlet: The incoming number is stored as a velocity to be paired with pitch numbers received in the left inlet.


notenumber_out [number]

Out left outlet: The pitch value received in the left inlet is sent out, provided the velocity is not 0.

velocity_out [number]

Out right outlet: The velocity value of a note-on pair is sent out, provided it is not 0.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

notenumber [number]

An incoming number is treated as a pitch value. If the velocity value currently held by stripnote is not 0, then the velocity is sent out the right outlet and the pitch is sent out the left outlet.

velocity [number]

In right inlet: The incoming number is stored as a velocity to be paired with pitch numbers received in the left inlet.

See Also

Name Description
stripnote Filter out note-off messages
midiout Transmit raw MIDI data
makenote Generate a note-on/note-off pair