xor Reference

Logical xor operator




Left Operand [number]

Performs the operation with the value currently stored. If there is no argument, || initially holds `0`.

Right Operand [number]

The value is compared to the value in the left inlet to determine output but only a value in the left inlet will trigger output.


Left ^^ Right [number]

If either input value is is non-zero, but not both, the output is `1`. Otherwise the output is `0`.

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

hot [bool] (default: 0)

All inlets trigger calculation.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

in1 [number]

Performs the operation with the value currently stored. If there is no argument, || initially holds `0`.

in2 [number]

The value is compared to the value in the left inlet to determine output but only a value in the left inlet will trigger output.

reset [bang] (default: 0)

Reset inlets to default values.

See Also

Name Description
and logical AND operator
or Performs a logical OR