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A set of matrices for storage/resequencing


The jit.matrixset object keeps a set of internal matrices which may be written to or read from. This may be useful for data storage and/or matrix resequencing.




bang Equivalent to outputmatrix.
clear Sets all values to zero.
exportmovie filename [symbol]
FPS [float]
codec [symbol]
quality [symbol]
timescale [int]
Exports a matrix as a QuickTime movie. The exportmovie message takes an optional argument to specify a file name. If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.

The default FPS is 30. frames per second

The default codec is raw . Supported codecs are raw , cinepak , graphics , animation , video , componentvideo , jpeg , mjpega , mjpegb , sgi , planarrgb , macpaint , gif , photocd , qdgx , avrjpeg , opendmljpeg , bmp , winraw , vector , qd , h261 , h263 , dvntsc , dvpal , dvprontsc , dvpropal , flc , targa , png , tiff , componentvideosigned , componentvideounsigned , cmyk , microsoft , sorenson , indeo4 , argb64 , rgb48 , alphagrey32 , grey16 , mpegyuv420 , yuv420 , and sorensonyuv9 .

The default quality is max . Supported quality settings are lossless , max , min , low , normal , and high . Note that minimum quality is, in many cases, the codec's default quality. Use "low" quality for consistent results.

The default timescale is 600 units per second

importmovie filename [symbol]
time-offset [int]
index-ffset [int]
number-of-frames [int]
Imports a QuickTime movie into the matrix set. If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file. The time-offset and index-offset arguments may be used to set a time and index offset for the QuickTime movie being imported (the default is 0 for both arguments). The number-of-frames argument specifies the number of frames to import (the default is set to the value specified by the matrixcount attribute). Note that the importmovie message will not resize the jit.matrixset.
read filename [symbol]
Reads Jitter binary data files (.jxf) into a matrix set. If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.
write filename [symbol]
Writes matrix set as a Jitter binary data file (.jxf). If no filename is specified, a file dialog will open to let you choose a file.


Name Type g/s Description
index int The which of the matrices an incoming matrix will be written to (default = 0)
matrixcount int The number of matrices in the matrix set (default = 1)
planecount int The number of planes in matrix data (default = 4)
type symbol The type of matrix data (default = char) Supported data types are char, long, float32, or float64.
dim int The dimensions of matrix data (default = 1 1)
planemap int Maps input planes to output planes (default = 0 1 2 3 ...)
srcdimstart int The source dimension start position (default = all 0)
srcdimend int The source dimension end position (default = all dim values minus 1)
dstdimstart int The source dimension start position (default = all 0)
dstdimend int The destination dimension end position (default = all dim values minus 1)
thru int Thru mode flag (default = 1) When the flag is set, a matrix is output when another one is received.
interp int Interpolation flag (default = 0) When the flag is set, an input matrix is interpolated when copied to internal matrices.
usesrcdim int Srcdim use flag (default = 0) When the flag is set, the source dimension's attributes are used when copying an input matrix to an internal matrix.
usedstdim int Destdim use flag (default = 0) When the flag is set, the destination dimension's attributes are used when copying an input matrix to an internal matrix.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.matrix The Jitter Matrix!
Tutorial 20: Importing and Exporting Single Matrices Tutorial 20: Importing and Exporting Single Matrices