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Read and write a matrix as an ASCII text file


The jit.textfile object maintains a text buffer, into which a text file or char matrix can be imported. The buffer can also be edited directly by double-clicking on the object to open an editor window. A bang to the object causes the text buffer to be sent out the left outlet as a matrix. In adapt mode, jit.textfile will analyze the file for carriage returns and deduce the probable width and height of the output matrix (always 1 plane 2 dimensional). String matrices can be output using the line message.

Matrix Operator

matrix inputs:1, matrix outputs:2
Name IOProc Planelink Typelink Dimlink Plane Dim Type
out n/a 1 1 1 1 1 char
out2 n/a 1 1 1 1 1 char

Information for Jitter Matrix Operator (MOP) messages and attributes to this object


(mouse) Double-clicking on the object opens a text editor window with the current contents of the text buffer.
erase Clear the object's text buffer.
line line-number [int]
Sends the line specified by the argument out the middle outlet of the object as a string matrix (1 dimensional char matrix, 0 terminated) that can be used by the jit.str. set of objects. Line numbering starts at 1.
open Opens the text editor window. Sending this message is equivalent to double-clicking on the object.
outputline Sends the matrix out the middle outlet. This is equivalent to the outputmatrix message, but uses to the middle outlet rather than the left outlet. (For this object, the outputmatrix message refers only to the left outlet).
read filename [symbol]
Reads a text file from disk if a filename is specified. Otherwise, an file dialog box will appear so that a text file can be specified.
wclose Closes the editor window, if open.
write filename [symbol]
Writes the object's text buffer to a disk file. The optional argument specifies a file name.


Name Type g/s Description
defaultdir symbol The default directory for writing files (default = default path)
title symbol The text editor window title (default = [none])
convert int Convert line breaks flag (default = 1) When the flag is set, UNIX/DOS line breaks are converted to Macintosh format when reading a file from disk.
autoclear int Matrix clear following output flag (default = 1)

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
jit.fprint Read and write a single matrix as a formatted text file
jit.matrix The Jitter Matrix!
text Format messages as a text file
Tutorial 20: Importing and Exporting Single Matrices Tutorial 20: Importing and Exporting Single Matrices