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Explanatory note or label


comment simply displays text which is typed into it in order to serve as a label or explanatory text.




append message [list]
The word append followed by any message will set the comment object to display that message after any text which it already contains.
prepend message [list]
The word prepend followed by any message will set the comment object to display that message before any text which it already contains.
set message [list]
The word set followed by any message will set the comment object to display that message.


Name Type g/s Description
bgcolor float Sets the background color of the comment box.
underline int
Toggles underlining the comment's text. This value can only be set using the Underline setting in the comment object's Inspector.

Information for box attributes common to all objects

Menu Items

Name Description
Color Choosing the Color... menu item from the Object menu when the object is selected opens a color picker, permitting adjustment to the appearance of the comment object.


(visual): A comment has no outlets, sends no output, and does not affect the functioning of the patch.


Elucidate.......... Label......... Make functional (covered with a ubutton)

See Also

Name Description
ubutton Transparent button, sends a bang
Max Data Tutorial 1: Data Viewing Max Data Tutorial 1: Data Viewing