Transmit MIDI control messages
Name | Type | Opt | Description |
a-z | symbol | opt | Specifies the port for transmitting MIDI control messages. If there is no argument, ctlout initially transmits out port a, on channel 1. When a port is specified by a letter argument, channel numbers greater than 16 received in the right inlet will be wrapped around to stay within the 1-16 range. |
(MIDI name) | symbol | opt | The name of a MIDI output device may be used as the first argument to specify the port. |
controller-number and channel-number | int | opt | Following the (optional) port argument, the next argument is an initial value for the controller number to be used in control messages transmitted by ctlout. Controller numbers are automatically limited between 0 and 127. If there is no controller number specified, the initial controller number is 1. Following the controller number argument is an initial value for the channel number on which to transmit control messages. If the channel argument is not present, ctlout initially transmits control messages on channel 1. In order for this argument to be used, a controller number argument must precede it. If a port has been specified with a letter argument, channel numbers greater than 16 will be wrapped around to stay within the 1-16 range. If no port argument is present, the channel number specifies both the port and the channel. The exact meaning of the channel number argument depends on the channel offset specified for each port in the MIDI Setup dialog. |
int | control-value [int] |
In left inlet: The number is used as the control value, and ctlout transmits a MIDI control change message. Numbers are limited between 0 and 127. |
(inlet1) | controller-number [int] |
In middle inlet: The number is stored as the controller number of the control change messages transmitted by ctlout. Numbers are limited between 0 and 127. |
(inlet2) | channel-number [int] |
In right inlet: The number is stored as the channel number on which to transmit the control messages. |
float | control-value [float] |
Converted to | .
anything | MIDI-port [list] |
Performs the same function as | .
(mouse) | Double-clicking on a ctlout object shows a pop-up menu for choosing a MIDI port or device. | |
port | MIDI-port [symbol] |
In left inlet: The word | , followed by a letter or the name of a MIDI output port or device, specifies the port used to transmit MIDI control messages. The word is optional and can be omitted.