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Report current date and time


date reports the current date, time, and the number of 1/60th-of-a-second ticks since startup.




date Outputs the current date as a list (month/day/year) out the left outlet.
ticks Outputs the current value of Ticks (the number of 1/60ths of a second since system startup) out the right outlet.
time Outputs the current time as a list (military hours/minutes/seconds) out the middle outlet.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


int: Out right outlet: When the ticks message is received, date sends the current value of Ticks.
list: Out left outlet: When the date message is received, date sends the current date as a list.
list: Out middle outlet: When the time message is received, date sends the current time as a list.


For pieces which change slowly date can be used as a clock to trigger events

See Also

Name Description
clocker Report elapsed time, at regular intervals
timer Report elapsed time between two events