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Find the running average of a stream of numbers


mean calculates the mean (average) of all the numbers it has received and outputs it.




bang Sends out the previous output (the stored average value).
int input [int]
The number is added to the sum of all numbers received up to that point, and the mean is sent out.
float input [float]
The number is added to the sum of all numbers received up to that point, and the mean is sent out.
list input [list]
The numbers in the list are added together, the sum is divided by the number of items in the list, and the mean is sent out. All previously received numbers are cleared from memory.
clear Resets the contents of the object to zero.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


float: Out left outlet: The mean (average) value of all numbers received up to that point, or of all the numbers received together in a list.

Out right outlet: How many numbers have been included in the averaging process.
int: Out left outlet: The mean (average) value of all numbers received up to that point, or of all the numbers received together in a list.

Out right outlet: How many numbers have been included in the averaging process.


Find the average value of many numbers

See Also

Name Description
accum Store, add to, and multiply a number
anal Make a histogram of number pairs received
bag Store a collection of numbers
histo Make a histogram of the numbers received
prob Make a weighted random series of numbers