Store a collection of numbers
Name | Type | Opt | Description |
duplicate-flag | symbol | opt | The presence of any non-numerical argument causes the bag to store duplicate numbers. If there is no argument, bag will store only one of each number at a time. The argument must not be a number. |
bang | In left inlet: Causes bag to send all its numbers out the outlet. | |
int | input [int] |
In left inlet: The number is either added to or deleted from the collection of numbers stored in the bag object, depending on the number in the right inlet. In right inlet: The number is stored as an indicator of whether to include or delete the next number received in the left inlet. If non-zero, the number received in the left inlet is added to the bag. If 0, the number is deleted from the bag. No output is triggered by a number received in either inlet. |
(inlet1) | include/exclude-flag (0 or non-zero) [int] |
In right inlet: The number is stored as an indicator of whether to include or delete the next number received in the left inlet. If non-zero, the number received in the left inlet is added to the bag. If 0, the number is deleted from the bag. No output is triggered by a number received in either inlet. |
float | input [float] |
Converted to | .
clear | In left inlet: Deletes the entire contents of the bag. | |
cut | In left inlet: Sends out the oldest (earliest received) number stored in the bag object, and deletes it from the bag. | |
length | In left inlet: Reports how many numbers are currently stored in the bag. | |
send | receive-name [list] |
In left inlet: The word receive object, sends the result of a message to all receive objects with that name, instead of out the bag object's outlet. | , followed by the name of a
list | input [list] |
Any list composed of two numbers behaves as though the first list item was sent to the left inlet and the second list item was sent to the right inlet. If the second element of the list is a non-zero number, the number is added to the collection. |