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Queue-based message passing control


The qlim object is similar to a combination of the speedlim and the Jitter jit.qball object. In Jitter, most execution take places in the low priority queue to prevent drawing to the screen at interrupt. The speedlim object unfortunately places messages back in the scheduler for execution, and thus may result in a crash when used to temporally downsample streams of Jitter matrices if Overdrive is turned on. The qlim object is an interrupt safe replacement for this and other tasks.




bang Performs the same function as an anything message applied to the passing of bang messages.
int number [int]
In left inlet: Equivalent to anything.
In right inlet: The number is stored as the minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, between successive outputs.
float number [float]
In left inlet: Equivalent to anything.
list list items [list]
In left inlet: Equivalent to anything.
anything anything [list]
In left inlet: Any number, bang, or message is passed out the outlet, provided that a certain minimum time has elapsed since the previous output. Otherwise, the message is held until that amount of time has passed (or until it is overwritten by another incoming message).


Name Type g/s Description
defer float Turn this on to send output in the low-priority queue.
quantize atom Send output only on the specified time-boundary if appropriate. This is achieved by making internal adjustments to the times used for sending output. The quantization can be specified in the following time formats: bars.beats.units, ticks or note values.
threshold atom Sets the time threshold. The threshold can be specified in the following time formats: bars.beats.units, ticks or note values.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
speedlim Limit the speed at which messages can pass through.