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Output a bang when a transport reaches a specific time.


The timepoint object can be used to trigger something when the clock reaches a specific time. The clock has to be moving forward in order for the bang to be sent output.

In addition to triggering events, timepoint objects can be used to create loops (by setting the clock back to 0 or to a specific position), trigger tempo changes, and mess with time in other fun ways.


Name Type Opt Description
initial-time int float symbol Sets the initial time at which to send a bang. Time can be specified in any of the time formats used in Max. The bang will only be sent when the transport is running.


int trigger-time [int]
Set the time in ticks at which to trigger a bang.
float trigger-time [float]
Set the time in ticks at which to trigger a bang.
list trigger-time [list]
A list may be used to specify time in one of the Max time formats.
anything trigger-time [list]
Set the time in any of Max's time units at which to trigger a bang.


Name Type g/s Description
time atom Sets the initial time at which to send a bang. Time can be specified in any of the time formats used in Max. The bang will only be sent when the transport is running.
transport symbol The name of a transport with which to associate. By default the global transport is used.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


See Also

Name Description
metro Output a bang message at regular intervals
translate Convert between different units of time.
transport Control a master clock and report time values.
when What's the time?