Anything received in the inlet will be converted to bang before being sent out a b outlet.
A number received in the inlet is sent out each outlet, in order from right to left. The number will be converted to int, float, list, symbol, or bang before being sent out, depending on the argument that corresponds to each outlet. A symbol, list, or bang received in the inlet will be converted to integer 0 by an i outlet, and to float 0. by an f argument.
A number received in the inlet is sent out each outlet, in order from right to left. The number will be converted to int, float, list, symbol, or bang before being sent out, depending on the argument that corresponds to each outlet. A symbol, list, or bang received in the inlet will be converted to integer 0 by an i outlet, and to float 0. by an f argument.
A list received in the inlet will be sent out unchanged by an l outlet. Anything else will be converted to the single-item list 0 before being sent out.
A symbol received in the inlet will be sent out unchanged by an s outlet. Anything else will be converted to the null symbol "" before being sent out. Note: The only object that recognizes this null symbol is print, which valiantly prints the empty message in the Max window. Other objects will either ignore this null symbol or print an error message in the Max window.