Frequency domain frequency shifter for pfft~
Name | Type | Opt | Description |
frequency-shift (Hz) | float | opt | A numerical argument will be used as the frequency shift in Hertz. The default is zero. |
frequency-shift (Hz) | int | Converted to float |
signal | In left inlet: The signal present at the left inlet is the real part of a frequency-domain signal coming from a fftin~ object inside a pfft~. In middle inlet: The signal input to the middle inlet is the imaginary part of a frequency-domain signal coming from a fftin~ object inside a pfft~. Both real and imaginary inputs must be connected for the fbinshift~ to work. |
Name | Description |
freqshift~ | Time-domain frequency shifter |
gizmo~ | Frequency-domain pitch shifter for pfft~ |
hilbert~ | Phase quadrature filter |