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Report information about a sample


info~ reports the information in a file read into a buffer~ object when you send it a bang. If the information is not present, it will be 0. info~ does not require that the audio be turned on in order to work. Looping and tuning information is found in AIFF files.


Name Type Opt Description
buffer-object-name symbol Obligatory. Names the buffer~ object for which info~ will report information.


bang In left inlet: Causes a report of information about a sample contained in the associated buffer~ object.
(mouse) Double-clicking on info~ opens an editing window where you can view the contents of its associated buffer~ object.
set buffer-object-name [symbol]
The word set followed by the name of a buffer~ object, sets which buffer~ to which info~ will refer.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


Sample Information: Most of the information reported by info~ is taken from the audio file most recently read into the associated buffer~. If this information is not present, only the sampling rate is sent out the left outlet. No output occurs for any item that's missing from the sound file.
float: Out left outlet: The sampling rate of the sample.

Out 3rd outlet: Sustain loop start, in milliseconds.

Out 4th outlet: Sustain loop end, in milliseconds.

Out 5th outlet: Release loop start, in milliseconds.

Out 6th outlet: Release loop end, in milliseconds.

Out 7th outlet: Total time of the associated buffer~ object, in milliseconds.

Out 8th outlet: Name of the most recently read audio file.
list: Out 2nd outlet: Instrument information about the sample, as follows:

1. The MIDI pitch of the sample.

2. The detuning from the original MIDI note number of the sample, in pitch bend units.

3. The lowest MIDI note number to use when playing this sample.

4. The highest MIDI note number to use when playing this sample.

5. The lowest MIDI velocity to use when playing this sample.

6. The highest MIDI velocity to use when playing this sample.

7. The gain of the sample (0-127).


Check sample rate of a sample use other information contained in a sample

See Also

Name Description
buffer~ Store audio samples
mstosamps~ Convert milliseconds to samples
sfinfo~ Report audio file information
MSP Tutorial 14: Playback with Loops MSP Tutorial 14: Playback with Loops
MSP Tutorial 20: MIDI Sampler Control MSP Tutorial 20: MIDI Sampler Control