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Input to a delay line


tapin~ receives a signal in and copies into a delay line. Using tapout~ objects, you can read from the delay line at various delay times. You must connect the outlet of a tapin~ object to the tapout~ objects you want to use with the delay line. Note that this is not a signal connection, since no signal travels between the objects. It is merely a way to indicate that the objects share the same delay memory.


Name Type Opt Description
maximum-delay (memory-size in milliseconds) float or int opt The maximum delay time in milliseconds. This determines the size of the delay line memory. If the sampling rate is increased after the object has been created, tapin~ will attempt to resize the delay line. If no argument is present, the default maximum delay time is 100 milliseconds.


int delay-memory-size (milliseconds) [int]
In left inlet: An int resizes the delay line memory with the new maximum delay time specified in milliseconds (this clears the memory of the delay line, which may produce a click in the output).
float delay-memory-size (milliseconds) [float]
In left inlet: A float resizes the delay line memory with the new maximum delay time specified in milliseconds (this clears the memory of the delay line, which may produce a click in the output).
clear Clears the memory of the delay line (which may produce a click in the output).
freeze behavioral-flag (0 or nonzero) [int]
The word freeze followed by a non-zero number will cause tapin~ to freeze its buffer memory. This means the object will keep echoing out of its output what has already been recorded into its memory at the point of freezing and no further input will be recorded. The word freeze followed by a 0 will reset the object to its default state of constantly recording and rerecording any given input into its memory buffer and outputting it after the specified delay time.
signal The signal is written into a delay line that can be read by the tapout~ object.

Information for box attributes common to all objects


tap: In order for the delay line to function, the outlet of tapin~ must be connected to the left inlet of tapout~. It cannot be connected to any other object.


tapin~ creates a delay buffer from which to tap delayed signal

See Also

Name Description
delay~ Delay line specified in samples or Max tempo-relative time format
tapout~ Output from a delay line
MSP Tutorial 27: Delay Lines MSP Tutorial 27: Delay Lines
MSP Tutorial 28: Delay Lines with Feedback MSP Tutorial 28: Delay Lines with Feedback
MSP Tutorial 29: Flanging MSP Tutorial 29: Flanging