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join Reference

Combine items into a list




inlets [number]


Sets the number of inlets the object will have. Each inlet accepts a number of list of any size and will be added to the output list in the inlet order.


out [list]

Outputs a combined list with the items from all inlets.

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

inlets [number] (default: 2)

Sets the number of inlets the object will have. Each inlet accepts a number of list of any size and will be added to the output list in the inlet order.

triggers [list] (default: 0)

Sets which inlets trigger output (0-based, default = 0). A value of -1 sets all inlets to trigger.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

reset [bang]

The object can be reset by attaching a set reset object. Sending a bang to the set reset will clear the internal contents of all inlets.

See Also

Name Description
join Combine items into a list
list.join join two lists (similar to zl.join)
pack combine numbers into a list
pack combine numbers into a list
unjoin Break a list into messages
unpack separate list values into numbers