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Object Groups

Object Groups

Object groups allow you to join objects so they can be moved, reoriented or duplicated together. Once a group is created and selected, all objects in the group are affected by editing functions.

Note: When snippets or templates are added to a patcher, they will be added as an object group containing all of the newly added objects.

Grouping Objects

  • Select a set of objects to group.
  • Choose the Group Objects item from the Arrange menu, or select Group Objects from the contextual menu.
  • Once grouped, objects can be moved and edited as a single unit.

Ungrouping Object

  • Select an object group.
  • Choose the Ungroup Objects item from the Arrange menu, or select Ungroup Objects from the contextual menu.

Removing Objects from a Group

  • Double-click on the object to be removed.
  • Select Ungroup Objects from the Arrange menu, or select Ungroup Objects from the contextual menu.

Reorienting objects within a group

  • Click on a group to select it. The group will be outlined, and handles will appear in the corners and sides of the group.
  • Grab and drag a handle to change the relative location of the grouped objects.

Duplicating an object group

  • Click on a group to select it.
  • Option-drag the group, or use the Copy and Paste commands in the Edit menu, to create a new copy.