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Filter editor


Use the filtergraph~ object to generate filter coefficients for the biquad~ or cascade~ objects with a graphical interface.


The filtergraph~ object greatly simplifies working with the biquad~ object


The horizontal axis of the filtergraph~ object's display represents frequency and the vertical axis represents amplitude. The curve displayed reflects the frequency response of the current filter model. The frequency response is the amount that the filter amplifies or attenuates the frequencies present in an audio signal. The biquad~ (or cascade~) objects do the actual filtering based on the coefficients that filtergraph~ provides.

The cutoff frequency (or center frequency) is the focal frequency of a given filter's activity. Its specific meaning is different for each filter type, but it can generally be identified as a transitional point (or center of a peak/trough) in the graph's amplitude curve. It is marked in the display by a colored rectangle whose width corresponds to the bandwidth of the filter.

The bandwidth (the transitional band in Hz) is the principal range of a filter's effect, centered on the cutoff frequency. The edges of a filter's bandwidth are located where the frequency response has a 3dB change in amplitude from the cutoff or center frequency. Q (also known as resonance) describes filter "width" as the ratio of the center/cutoff frequency to the bandwidth. Using Q instead of bandwidth lets us move the center/cutoff frequency while keeping a constant bandwidth across octaves. The Q parameter for shelving filters is often called S (or slope), although it is ostensibly the same as Q.

The filter's gain is the linear amplitude at the center or cutoff frequency. The interpretation of the gain parameter depends somewhat on the type of filter. The gain may also affect a shelf or large region of the filter's response.




autoout [int] (default: 0)

Toggles the output of coefficients on load.

bgcolor [4 floats]

Sets the background color in RGBA format.

curvecolor [4 floats]

Sets the curve color in RGBA format. The curvecolor attribute is mapped to the color style color.

dbdisplay [int] (default: 1)

Toggles db gain value display.

display_flat [int] (default: 1)

Toggles flat sign display.

domain [2 floats] (default: 20. 20000.)

Sets frequency display span.

edit_Q [float]

Sets the bandwidth (Q) for the currently selected filter.

edit_amp [float]

Sets the amplitude for the currently selected filter.

edit_analog [int]

Toggles the analog filter prototype parameter for the currently selected filter when filtergraph~ is in bandpass or peaknotch mode. For more information on analog filter mode, see the analog message listing above.

For single filters, the filter type displayed by the filtergraph~ object is the currently selected filter; when dealing with multiple filters, the currently selected filter is set using the edit_filter message (with the filters being numbered from 0).

edit_displaydot [int]

Toggles the display of the mousable bandwidth region for the currently selected filter when filtergraph~ is in display mode. For more information, see the displaydot message listing above.

For single filters, the filter type displayed by the filtergraph~ object is the currently selected filter; when dealing with multiple filters, the currently selected filter is set using the edit_filter message (with the filters being numbered from 0).

edit_filter [int] (default: 0)

Selects which filter to edit if nfilters is greater than 1. Filters are numbered from 0.

Possible values:


edit_freq [float]

Sets center/cutoff frequency for the currently selected filter.

edit_gainmode [int]

Tggles the gain parameter for the currently selected filter.

edit_maxQ [atom]

Sets the maximum Q of the currently selected filter.

edit_maxamp [atom]

Sets the maximum amplitude for the currently selected filter.

edit_maxfreq [atom]

Sets the upper bound for the frequency of the currently selected filter.

edit_minQ [atom]

Sets the minimum bandwidth (Q) for the currently selected filter.

edit_minamp [atom]

Sets the minimum amplitude for the currently selected filter.

edit_minfreq [atom]

Sets the minimum frequency for the currently selected filter.

edit_mode [int]

Sets the response shape for the currently selected filter.

Possible values:

0 = 'display' ( None/arbitrary )
1 = 'lowpass' ( Low frequencies pass, high frequencies attenuated )
2 = 'highpass' ( High frequencies pass, low frequencies attenuated )
3 = 'bandpass' ( A band of frequencies pass, everything else is attenuated )
4 = 'bandstop' ( A band of frequencies are attenuated, everything else passes )
5 = 'peaknotch' ( A band of frequencies is attenuated or boosted depending on the gain )
6 = 'lowshelf' ( Low frequencies are attenuated or boosted depending on the gain )
7 = 'highshelf' ( High frequencies are attenuated or boosted depending on the gain )
8 = 'resonant' ( Another bandpass filter )
9 = 'allpass' ( All frequencies pass through but the phase is affected )

fullspect [int] (default: 0)

Display the full frequency spectrum from -Nyquist to +Nyquist.

hcurvecolor [4 floats]

Sets the selection color in RGBA format. The hcurvecolor attribute is mapped to the selectioncolor style color.

linmarkers [16 floats] (default: 5512.5 11025. 16537.5)

Marker positions for the linear frequency display. By default, the markers are set at ± SampleRate/4, SampleRate/2, and (3 * SampleRate)/4.

logamp [int] (default: 1)

Sets the amplitude display mode.

Possible values:

0 = 'Linear' ( Linear amplitude display )
Displays amplitudes using a linear scale.

1 = 'Logarithmic' ( Log amplitude display )
Displays amplitudes using a logarithmic scale.

logfreq [int] (default: 1)

Sets the frequency display mode.

Possible values:

0 = 'Linear' ( Linear frequency display )
Displays frequencies using a linear scale.

1 = 'Logarithmic' ( Log frequency display )
Displays frequencies using a logarithmic scale.

logmarkers [16 floats] (default: 10. 100. 1000. 10000.)

Marker positions for the log frequency display. By default, the markers are set at± 50Hz, 500Hz and 5kHz at 44.1kHz. These values correspond to ± 0.007124, 0.071238, and 0.712379 radians for any sample rate.

markercolor [4 floats]

Sets the grid color in RGBA format. The markercolor attribute is mapped to the elementcolor style color.

nfilters [int] (default: 1)

Number of cascaded biquad filters displayed. The range is between 1 and 24. When using more than one filter, the output of the filtergraph~ should be sent to a cascade~ object instead of a biquad~.

numdisplay [int] (default: 1)

Toggles numerical value display.

parameter_enable [int]

Enables use of this object with Max for Live Parameters and allows for setting initial parameter values in the Max environment.

phasespect [int] (default: 0)

Toggles phase response display.

range [2 floats] (default: 0.0625 16.)

Sets the amplitude display range.

style [symbol]7.0.0

Sets the style to be applied to the object. Styles can be set using the Format palette.

textcolor [4 floats]

Sets the color of the labels in RGBA format. The textcolor attribute is mapped to the textcolor_inverse style color.

Common Box Attributes

annotation [symbol]

Sets the text that will be displayed in the Clue window when the user moves the mouse over the object.

background [int] (default: 0)

Adds or removes the object from the patcher's background layer. background 1 adds the object to the background layer, background 0 removes it. Objects in the background layer are shown behind all objects in the default foreground layer.

color [4 floats]

Sets the color for the object box outline.

fontface [int]

Sets the type style used by the object. The options are:

bold italic

Possible values:

0 = 'regular'
1 = 'bold'
2 = 'italic'
3 = 'bold italic'

fontname [symbol]

Sets the object's font.

fontsize [float]

Sets the object's font size (in points).

Possible values:


hidden [int] (default: 0)

Toggles whether an object is hidden when the patcher is locked.

hint [symbol]

Sets the text that will be displayed in as a pop-up hint when the user moves the mouse over the object in a locked patcher.

ignoreclick [int] (default: 0)

Toggles whether an object ignores mouse clicks in a locked patcher.

patching_rect [4 floats] (default: 0. 0. 100. 0.)

Sets the position and size of the object in the patcher window.

position [2 floats]


Sets the object's x and y position in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its size unchanged.

presentation [int] (default: 0)

Sets whether an object belongs to the patcher's presentation.

presentation_rect [4 floats] (default: 0. 0. 0. 0.)

Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in the patcher's presentation, leaving its patching position unchanged.

rect [4 floats]


Sets the x and y position and width and height of the object in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation).

size [2 floats]


Sets the object's width and height in both patching and presentation modes (if the object belongs to its patcher's presentation), leaving its position unchanged.

textcolor [float]

Sets the color for the object's text in RGBA format.

textjustification [int]

Text Justification

Possible values:

0 = 'left'
1 = 'center'
2 = 'right'

varname [symbol]

Sets the patcher's scripting name, which can be used to address the object by name in pattr, scripting messages to thispatcher, and the js object.

Parameter Attributes



Sets the order of recall of this parameter. Lower numbers are recalled first. The order of recall of parameters with the same order number is undefined.

Parameter Mode Enable


Parameter Mode Enable (not available from Parameters window)

Link to Scripting Name


When checked, the Scripting Name is linked to the Long Name attribute.

Long Name


The long name of the parameter. This name must be unique per patcher hierarchy.

Short Name


Sets the short name for the object's visual display. The maximum length varies according to letter width, but is generally in a range of 5 to 7 characters.



Specifies the data type. The data types used in Max for Live are:

Enum (enumerated list)

Note: By convention, the Live application uses floating point numbers for its calculations; the native integer representation is limited to a range of 0-255 (similar to the char data type used in Jitter). When working with Live UI objects whose integer values are likely to be outside of the 0-255 range, the Type attribute should be set to Float, and the Unit Style attribute should be set to Int.



When used with an integer or floating point data type, this field is used to specify the minimum and maximum values of the parameter.
When used with an enumerated list (Enum) data type, this field contains a space-delimited list of the enumerated values (if list items contain a space or special characters, the name should be enclosed in double quotes).

Modulation Mode


Sets the Modulation Mode used by the Live application. The modulation modes are:


Modulation Range


This parameter is only used with the Absolute modulation mode. It specifies defines the range of values used.

Initial Enable


When checked (set to 1), the UI object can store an initialization value. The value is set using the Initial attribute (see below).



Sets the initial value to be stored and used when the Initial Enable attribute is checked.

Unit Style


Sets the unit style to be used when displaying values. The unit style values are: Int: displays integer values
Float: displays floating point values
Time: displays time values in milliseconds (ms)
Hertz: displays frequency values (Hz/kHz).
deciBel: displays loudness (dB)
%: Percentage
Pan: displays Left and Right values
Semitones: displays steps (st)
MIDI: displays pitch corresponding to the MIDI note number
Custom: displays custom data type
Native: defaults to floating point values

Custom Units


Sets the units to be used with the 'Custom' unit style (see "Unit Style", above). Custom unit strings may be simple symbols (e.g. "Harmonic(s)"), in which case the parameter's value will be displayed in its 'Native' display mode, followed by the symbol (e.g. "12 Harmonic(s)" for an Int-typed parameter or "12.54 Harmonic(s)" for a Float-typed parameter). For additional control over the numerical component displayed, a sprintf-style string may be used (e.g. "%0.2f Bogon(s)", which would display a value such as ".87 Bogons").



When set to a value other than 1., the parameter's input and output values will be exponentially scaled according to the factor entered in this column.



The number of steps available between the minimum and maximum values of a parameter. For instance, if the parameter has a range from 0.-64., with Steps set to 4, the user can only set the parameter to 0, 21.33, 42.66 and 64.

Parameter Visibility


For automatable parameters (Int, Float, Enum), 'Stored Only' disables automation, although parameter values are stored in presets. 'Hidden' causes the parameter's value to be ignored when storing and recalling data. Non-automatable parameters (Blob) are 'Stored Only' by default, and can be set to 'Hidden', if desired.

Update Limit (ms)


Speed limits values triggered by automation.

Defer Automation Output


Defers values triggered by automation.



In left inlet: In display mode, bang causes the filtergraph~ object to send its internally-stored biquad coefficients out the leftmost outlet. In the interactive filter modes, bang additionally causes the current filter parameters to be sent out their respective outlets (see Output).



filter-parameter [int]
All int values are converted to float.

In 1st-5th inlets: When in display mode, a float in one of the first five inlets changes the current value of the corresponding biquad~ filter coefficient (a0, a1, a2, b1, and b2, respectively), recalculates the filter's frequency response based on these coefficients and causes a list of the current filter coefficients to be output from the leftmost outlet.

In 6th inlet: Sets the center or cutoff frequency parameter for the filter and causes output.

In 7th inlet: Sets the gain parameter for the filter and causes output.

In 8th inlet: Sets the Q (resonance) or S (slope) parameter for the filter and causes output.

Note: Input to any one of the inlets will recalculate the current filter's graph and trigger the output.



filter-parameter [float]
In 1st-5th inlets: When in display mode, a float in one of the first five inlets changes the current value of the corresponding biquad~ filter coefficient (a0, a1, a2, b1, and b2, respectively), recalculates the filter's frequency response based on these coefficients and causes a list of the current filter coefficients to be output from the leftmost outlet.

In 6th inlet: Sets the center or cutoff frequency parameter for the filter and causes output.

In 7th inlet: Sets the gain parameter for the filter and causes output.

In 8th inlet: Sets the Q (resonance) or S (slope) parameter for the filter and causes output.

Note: Input to any one of the inlets will recalculate the current filter's graph and trigger the output.



a0 [float]
a1 [float]
a2 [float]
b1 [float]
b2 [float]
In left inlet: A list of five float values which correspond to biquad~ filter coefficients sets the filtergraph~ object's internal values for these coefficients and causes the object to output the list out its left outlet. If filtergraph~ is in display mode, it will display the frequency response of the filter obtained from these coefficients. If more than five values are sent, they are interpreted as sets of cascaded biquad coefficients (see the cascade message).

in 6th inlet: A list of three values which correspond to center/cutoff frequency, gain and Q/S (resonance/slope), sets these values, recalculates the new filter coefficients and causes output. This is equivalent to the params message.



messages [list]
Allows for backwards compatibility with these obsolete messages: gainlpass, gainhpass, gainbpass, gainbstop, rgbcolor, freq, gain, Q, fconstrain, aconstrain, qconstrain, lin, log, log2, scale, amp, phase, and spectrum.



center-frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word bandpass sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to bandpass mode. It is equivalent to the mode 3 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (center frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).



cutoff-frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word bandstop sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to bandstop mode. It is equivalent to the mode 4 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (center frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).



center-frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word allpass sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to allpass mode.It is equivalent to the mode 9 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (center frequency, or cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance), although only the gain parameter has an effect on the amplitude response. An allpass filter is designed to modify the phase response (use the phasespect 1 message to view the phase response).



analog-filter-prototype [list]
In left inlet: The word analog, followed by a 0 or 1, toggles the analog filter prototype parameter for the bandpass, and peaknotch filters. Unlike the standard digital versions, these "imitation analog" filters do not have a notch at the nyquist frequency, and thus imitate the response of a analog filter. The imitation analog filters are slightly more computationally expensive, so this option is set to 0 (disabled) by default.



dictionary-name [symbol]
The word dictionary, followed by a symbol that references a named filterdesign object dictionary, will cause the filtergraph~ object to use the dictionary values for filter coefficients.



filter-type [list]
In left inlet: The word display sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to display only. It is equivalent to the mode 0 message. In display mode, filtergraph~ simply displays the frequency response for a set of five biquad~ filter coefficients.



mousable-bandwidth-display [list]
In left inlet: The displaydot message, followed by a 0 or 1, toggles the display of the mousable bandwidth region when filtergraph~ is in display mode. This allows you to use filtergraph~ as an interface to design and display your own filter algorithms. The default is disabled (by default, display mode functions uniquely as a display).



filter-coefficient-list [list]
In left inlet: The cascade message works in display mode only. The word cascade, followed by up to 24 groups of five float values corresponding to filter coefficients, will display a composite filter response which shows the multiplication of a group of biquad filters in cascade.



filter-index [int]
minimum-frequency [float]
maximum-frequency [float]
minimum-gain [float]
maximum-gain [float]
minimum-Q [float]
maximum-Q [float]
In left inlet: The word constraints, followed by seven numbers, allows you to constrain the frequency, amplitude and Q values within the specified ranges. This is useful to constrain values obtained by clicking and dragging. The first number should be an integer, and it specified the filter number whose constraints will be set. The remaining six numbers are floating-point values which set the minimum and maximum frequency values, the minimum and maximum amplitude values, and the minimum and maximum Q values, respectively. Specifying constraint values of zero will remove the constraints for that value. The constrints message causes the filter coefficients to be output.



filter-indices [list]
The word flat, followed by a list that specifies the indices of filters in a multifilter array, will set the designated filters to flat response (i.e. no resonance for filtering) The changes made to the filters vary depending on filter type:

Lowpass and highpass filters: Q values set to 0.707, and gain coefficients are set to 1. (0dB)

Band pass and band stop filters are ignored.

All other filter types: The gain coefficients are set to 1. (0dB)



cutoff-frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word highpass sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to highpass mode.It is equivalent to the mode 2 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance) or S (slope - used for the shelving filters).



a/b-grouped-filter-coefficients [list]
The highorder message works in display mode only. The word highorder, followed by a list of n groups of biquad filter "a" coefficients and n-1 groups of biquad filter "b" coefficients, will display the response of an nth order filter.



cutoff-frequency [float]
gain [float]
slope [float]
In left inlet: The word highshelf sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to highshelf mode.It is equivalent to the mode 7 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) gain, and S (slope).



gain-parameter [list]
In left inlet: The word gainmode, followed by a 0 or 1, toggles the gain parameter for the lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop filters. The traditional definitions of these filters have a fixed gain of 1.0, but by gain-enabling them, their amplitude response can be scaled without the additional use of a signal multiply at the filters output.The default is 0 (disabled).



frequency-value-markers [list]
In left inlet: The word markers, followed by a list of up to 64 frequency values will place visual markers (vertical lines) at these frequencies behind the graph. The markers message will set the markers used for both linear and logarithmic frequency displays.



filter-type [int]
In left inlet: The word mode, followed by a number from 0-9, sets the current filter type. The numbers and associated filter types are.

Number - Filter type

0 - display only
1 - lowpass
2 - highpass
3 - bandpass
4 - bandstop
5 - peaknotch
6 - lowshelf
7 - highshelf
8 - resonant
9 - allpass

In display mode, filtergraph~ displays the frequency response for a set of five biquad~ filter coefficients. In the other modes, it graphs the frequency response of a filter based on three parameters: cf (center frequency, or cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance) or S (slope - used for the shelving filters).


You can change the filter parameters by clicking and dragging on the filtergraph~ object's display. By default, horizontal mouse dragging is mapped to cutoff frequency, and vertical mouse movement is mapped to gain (if gainmode is enabled). If the cursor is located directly over the edge of a filter band, however, the band rectangle is highlighted, indicating that clicking and dragging will map x-axis movement to adjust filter bandwidth instead of cutoff frequency. .
If multiple bandwidth regions are overlapping, you can cycle through them by double-clicking on the topmost one. This is useful for accessing smaller bandwidth regions that might be otherwise "covered" by a larger region.



x-response-flag [int]
y-response-flag [int]
In left inlet: The word mousemode followed by two int arguments, specifies the interpretation of horizontal and vertical mouse movement. With one argument, only the horizontal mouse mode is affected. The mouse mode values are the same for both axes: (0 = off, 1 = normal, 2 = alternate).

For horizontal movement (specified by the first argument), normal behavior means that clicking on the filter band and dragging horizontally changes the filter's cutoff frequency. When set to the alternate mouse mode (2), horizontal movement affects Q, or resonance. When turned off (0), mouse activity along the x-axis has no effect.

For vertical movement (specified by the second argument), normal behavior means that the y-axis is mapped to gain during clicking and dragging activity. When the alternate mouse mode (2) is selected, vertical movement changes the Q (resonance) setting instead. When turned off (0), vertical mouse movement has no effect.



cutoff-frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word lowpass sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to lowpass mode.It is equivalent to the mode 1 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (center frequency, or cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).



center-frequency [float]
gain [float]
slope [float]
In left inlet: The word lowshelf sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to lowshelf mode.It is equivalent to the mode 6 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (center frequency, or cutoff frequency) gain, and S (slope).



center-frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word peaknotch sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to peaknotch mode.It is equivalent to the mode 5 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (center frequency, or cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).



filter-number [int]
filter-mode [int]
gain-enable-flag [int]
analog-filter-prototype-flag [int]
interactive-filter-mode-flag [int]
In left inlet: The word options, followed by five integers, allows you to set the filter-specific options for a given filter. The first number specifies the filter whose options will be set. The remaining four integers set the filter mode (mode message) gain-enabling flag (gainmode message), analog filter prototype flag (analog message) and interactive filter mode flag (displaydot message), respectively. The options message causes the filter coefficients to be re-evaluated and output.



filter-index [int]
frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word params, when followed by three numbers specifying frequency, gain and Q, sets the filter parameters for the currently selected filter and triggers output. When followed by four numbers specifying filter number, frequency, gain and Q, this messages sets the filter parameters for the filter indicated and causes output.



frequency [float]
In left inlet: The word query, followed by a float value, will cause the amplitude and phase response of the graph at that frequency to be sent out the sixth outlet of the filtergraph~ object as a list.



filter-index [int]
Selects a specific filter as the one actively being edited and highlighted in the display.



a0/center frequency [float]
a1/gain [float]
a2/Q [float]
b1 [float]
b2 [float]
In left inlet: The word set, followed by a list of five int values which correspond to biquad~ filter coefficients, sets the filtergraph~ object's internal values for these coefficients but does not cause output. If filtergraph~ is in display mode, it will display the frequency response of the filter obtained from these coefficients.

in 6th inlet: A list of three values which correspond respectively to center/cutoff frequency, gain and Q/S (resonance/slope), sets these values, recalculates the new filter coefficients but does not cause output. In display mode this message has no effect.



center-frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word resonant sets the filter type of the filtergraph~ object to resonant mode (resonant bandpass filter). It is equivalent to the mode 8 message. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (center frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).



filter-index [int]
minimum-frequency [float]
maximum-frequency [float]
minimum-gain [float]
maximum-gain [float]
minimum-Q [float]
maximum-Q [float]
In left inlet: The word setconstraints, followed by seven numbers, allows you to set the frequency, amplitude and Q constraint values within the specified ranges without causing output. This is useful to constrain values obtained by clicking and dragging. The first number should be an integer, and it specified the filter number whose constraints will be set. The remaining six numbers are floating-point values which set the minimum frequency, maximum frequency, minimum amplitude, maximum amplitude, minimum Q and maximum Q, respectively. Specifying constraint values of zero will remove the constraints for that value.



filter number [list]
In left inlet: The word setfilter, followed by a number, specifies the filter, by number, which is the currently selected filter in a multiple filter array. Filters are numbered from 0.



filter-number [int]
filter-mode [int]
gain-enable-flag [int]
analog-filter-prototype-flag [int]
interactive-filter-mode-flag [int]
In left inlet: The word setoptions, followed by five integers, allows you to set the filter-specific options for a given filter without triggering output. The first number specifies the filter whose options will be set (filters are numbered from 0). The remaining four integers set the filter mode (mode message) gain-enabling flag (gainmode message), analog filter prototype flag (analog message) and interactive filter mode flag (displaydot message), respectively.



filter-index [int]
frequency [float]
gain [float]
Q [float]
In left inlet: The word setparams, when followed by three numbers specifying frequency, gain and Q, sets the filter parameters for the currently selected filter without triggering output. When followed by four numbers specifying filter number, frequency, gain and Q, this messages sets the filter parameters for the filter indicated, without triggering output.



filter-index [int]
Selects a specific filter as the one actively being edited (without highlighting it in the display).



Out second through fifth outlets: Frequency, Gain (linear), Resonance (Q) and Bandwidth output in response to clicks on the filtergraph~ object.


Out rightmost (seventh) outlet: Filter number. Indicates which of the cascaded biquad filters is being highlighted and/or edited.


Out leftmost outlet: a list of 5 floating-point filter coefficients for the biquad~ object. Coefficients output in response to mouse clicks and changes in the coefficient or filter parameter inlets. They are also output when the audio is turned on, and optionally when the patch is loaded if the automatic output option is turned on (see autoout message).

Out sixth outlet: a list of 2 floating-point values (amplitude, phase) output in response to the query message (see above).

See Also

Name Description
Sound Processing Techniques Sound Processing Techniques
allpass~ Apply an allpass filter effect
biquad~ Two-pole, two-zero filter
cascade~ Cascaded series of biquad filters
delay~ Delay a signal
filtercoeff~ Signal-rate filter coefficient generator
lores~ Resonant lowpass filter
reson~ Resonant bandpass filter
teeth~ Comb filter with feedforward and feedback delay control
zplane~ Graph filter poles and zeros on the Z-plane
Audio Filtering Audio Filtering