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Jitter Operators

The following Gen operators are unique to the jit.gen , jit.pix , and jit.gl.pix objects - unlike the Common Gen Operators , they are only used in the matrix/texture domain.


  • hsl2rgb : Convert HSL to RGB, preserving alpha
  • rgb2hsl : Convert RGB to HSL, preserving alpha


  • cell : Cell coordinates of input matrix [0, dim-1]
  • dim : Dimensions of input matrix
  • norm : Normalized coordinates of input matrix [0, 1]
  • snorm : Signed normalized coordinates of input matrix [-1, 1]


  • qconj : Get the conjugate of a quaternion.
  • qmul : Multiply quaternion inputs
  • qrot : Rotate a vector by a quaternion. The equation of the rotation is q*v*q^-1.


  • nearest : Nearest neighbor sample a matrix at a given coordinate (normalized). Nearest has a boundmode attribute that can be set to wrap, mirror or clamp.
  • nearestpix : Nearest neighbor sample a matrix at a given coordinate (in pixels). Nearest has a boundmode attribute that can be set to wrap, mirror or clamp.
  • sample : Sample a matrix at a given coordinate (normalized) with linear interpolation. Sample has a boundmode attribute that can be set to wrap, mirror or clamp.
  • samplepix : Sample a matrix at a given coordinate (in pixels) with linear interpolation. Pixel centers are located at PIXEL+0.5. For example, the center of the upper-left pixel is (0.5, 0.5). Samplepix has a boundmode attribute that can be set to wrap, mirror or clamp.


  • circle : Equation of a circle taking input coordinates ranging from [0, 1]
  • cone : Equation of a cone taking input coordinates ranging from [0, 1]
  • cylinder : Equation of a cylinder taking input coordinates ranging from [0, 1]
  • plane : Equation of a plane taking input coordinates ranging from [0, 1]
  • sphere : Equation of a sphere taking input coordinates ranging from [0, 1]
  • torus : Equation of a torus taking input coordinates ranging from [0, 1]


  • concat : Concatenate vector values into a larger vector
  • cross : Take the cross product of two vectors
  • dot : Take the dot product of two vectors
  • faceforward : Return a vector pointing in the same direction as another
  • length : Returns the length of a vector
  • normalize : Normalize a vector to unit length
  • reflect : Reflect a vector off a surface defined by a normal
  • refract : Refract a vector through a surface defined by a normal and a refraction index
  • rotor : Return a quaternion that can rotate the first input into the second.
  • swiz : Unpack and remap vector components
  • vec : Pack scalar values into a vector

See Also

Name Description
Gen Gen