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delay Reference

Delay a bang by a given time (ms)




time [number]


The amount of time in milliseconds to delay the output of incoming bangs.


input [bang]

bang to delay.

time [number]

The amount of time in milliseconds to delay the output of incoming bangs.


out [bang]

The delayed bangs.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

delayall [number] (default: 1)

When set to 1 (default), all incoming bangs are delayed and output in the order received. When set to 0, delay behaves likes the Max delay object and only one bang at a time can be delayed by delay. If a bang is already in delay when a new bang is received in the left inlet, the first bang is forgotten.

input [bang]

bang to delay.

stop [bang]

Sending a bang to a connected set stop object will clear the delay object of all scheduled bangs.

time [number]

The amount of time in milliseconds to delay the output of incoming bangs.

See Also

Name Description
delay Delay a bang
button button
counter keep count based on input events
delay~ Signal delay
metro metronome
pipe delay numbers
timer Report elapsed time between two events
transport transport
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