filtercoeff~ Reference

Signal-rate filter coefficient generator




type [enum]


A symbol argument may be used to set the default filter type. Acceptable values are...

allpass : Sets the filter type to allpass mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: center/cutoff frequency and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0). An allpass filter is designed to modify the phase response, leaving a flat amplitude response

bandpass : Sets the filter type to bandpass mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: center frequency and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0).

bandstop : Sets the filter type to bandstop mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: center frequency and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0).

gainapass : Sets the filter type to allpass mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: center/cutoff frequency, gain, and Q (resonance), although only the gain parameter has an effect on the amplitude response. An allpass filter is designed to modify the phase response, leaving a flat amplitude response.

gainbpass : Sets the filter type to bandpass mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: center frequency, gain, and Q (resonance).

gainbstop : Sets the filter type to bandstop mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: center frequency, gain, and Q (resonance).

gainhpass : Sets the filter type to highpass mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).

gainlpass : Sets the filter type to lowpass mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).

gainresonant : Sets the filter type to resonant mode (resonant bandpass filter) with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: center frequency, gain, and Q (resonance).

highpass : Sets the filter type to highpass mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0).

highshelf : Sets the filter type to highshelf mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cutoff frequency, gain, and S (slope).

lowpass : Sets the filter type to lowpass mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0).

lowshelf : Sets the filter type to lowshelf mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cutoff frequency, gain, and S (slope).

off : Sets the filter type to off mode whereby the dry, unfiltered signal is passed to the outputs.

resamp [number]


An optional second argument can be used to specify a resampling factor.


frequency [auto]

Sets the center or cutoff frequency parameter for the filter and causes output.

gain [auto]

Sets the gain parameter for the filter and causes output.

q [auto]

Sets the Q (resonance) or S (slope) parameter for the filter and causes output. (note that the term slope is only used for the third parameter of shelving filters, and is roughly equivalent to resonance).


a0 [signal]

Signal-rate FF0 Coefficient. Patches into Gain inlet of the biquad~ object

a1 [signal]

Signal-rate FF1 Coefficient. Patches into FF1 inlet of the biquad~ object

a2 [signal]

Signal-rate FF2 Coefficient. Patches into FF2 inlet of the biquad~ object

b1 [signal]

Signal-rate FB1 Coefficient. Patches into FB1 inlet of the biquad~ object

b2 [signal]

Signal-rate FB2 Coefficient. Patches into FB2 inlet of the biquad~ object

Fixed Attributes

These attributes must be set in the object box and determine the behavior of the object at runtime.

resamp [number] (default: -1)

An optional second argument can be used to specify a resampling factor.

Dynamic Attributes

These attributes can be modified in the code during execution using the set object

frequency [auto]

Sets the center or cutoff frequency parameter for the filter and causes output.

gain [auto]

Sets the gain parameter for the filter and causes output.

q [auto]

Sets the Q (resonance) or S (slope) parameter for the filter and causes output. (note that the term slope is only used for the third parameter of shelving filters, and is roughly equivalent to resonance).

type [enum] (default: off)

A symbol argument may be used to set the default filter type. Acceptable values are...

allpass : Sets the filter type to allpass mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: center/cutoff frequency and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0). An allpass filter is designed to modify the phase response, leaving a flat amplitude response

bandpass : Sets the filter type to bandpass mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: center frequency and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0).

bandstop : Sets the filter type to bandstop mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: center frequency and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0).

gainapass : Sets the filter type to allpass mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: center/cutoff frequency, gain, and Q (resonance), although only the gain parameter has an effect on the amplitude response. An allpass filter is designed to modify the phase response, leaving a flat amplitude response.

gainbpass : Sets the filter type to bandpass mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: center frequency, gain, and Q (resonance).

gainbstop : Sets the filter type to bandstop mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: center frequency, gain, and Q (resonance).

gainhpass : Sets the filter type to highpass mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).

gainlpass : Sets the filter type to lowpass mode with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) gain, and Q (resonance).

gainresonant : Sets the filter type to resonant mode (resonant bandpass filter) with user-controllable gain. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: center frequency, gain, and Q (resonance).

highpass : Sets the filter type to highpass mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0).

highshelf : Sets the filter type to highshelf mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cutoff frequency, gain, and S (slope).

lowpass : Sets the filter type to lowpass mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on two parameters: cf (cutoff frequency) and Q (resonance). The gain parameter is set to unity gain (1.0).

lowshelf : Sets the filter type to lowshelf mode. The frequency response of the filter is based on three parameters: cutoff frequency, gain, and S (slope).

off : Sets the filter type to off mode whereby the dry, unfiltered signal is passed to the outputs.

Possible values:

0 = 'lowpass'
1 = 'highpass'
2 = 'bandpass'
3 = 'bandstop'
4 = 'peaknotch'
5 = 'lowshelf'
6 = 'highshelf'
7 = 'resonant'
8 = 'allpass'
9 = 'gainlpass'
10 = 'gainhpass'
11 = 'gainbpass'
12 = 'gainbstop'
13 = 'gainresonant'
14 = 'gainapass'
15 = 'off'

See Also

Name Description
filtercoeff~ Signal-rate filter coefficient generator
biquad~ Two-pole, two-zero filter
allpass~ Apply an allpass filter effect
comb~ Apply a comb filter effect
cross~ Third-order crossover filter
lores~ Resonant lowpass filter
reson~ Resonant bandpass filter
svf~ State-variable filter with simultaneous outputs
onepole~ Single-pole lowpass filter